Page 38 of A Little Broken


“Seriously. Don’t stress.”

“I don’t deserve you,” I reply with a smile.

She grins back at me. “I know.”

“So what’s the nightlife like around here nowadays?” I ask.

“Depends on the time of year. There’s a new place called The Pelican, though. I’ve been a few times. I think you’ll like it, but we’ll have to go tomorrow or something.”

“Why not tonight?” I ask.

“School, then work.”

I groan. “Blah, you’re so boring.”

“I believe the term you’re searching for is responsible.”

I cough into my fist, “Boring.”

“Says the girl who would be homeless and jobless without me.” She cups the back of her ear and tilts her head. “It’s fine. I’ll wait.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay, I take it back. You’re not boring. You’re amazing and responsible and I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Her mouth lifts, and she drops her hand to her side. “Much better.”

“Smartass,” I laugh. “But seriously. Thank you for letting me stay and for being willing to show me the bird place, even if it’s not tonight.”

“The Pelican,” she sings.

“The bird place,” I sing back. I rock back on my heels, scanning the apartment one more time. Yup. I’m going to like it here. “You mind if I use the shower while you’re gone?”

“Have at it. Just be sure to?—”

“Wash all the soap residue from the shampoo and conditioner before setting them back on the shelf and close the lid.” I tap my temple. “You forget I know you, too.”

Lips pursed, she gives Hades a scratch behind his ears. “Play nice, Hades. I know Tatum seems like she needs a bite in the ass every now and then, but let’s give someone else that job, okay?” He licks her palm in response then rests his head on his blanket. Satisfied, Rory turns on her heel and snags her keys from the counter. “And on that note, I’ll be back by nine.”

“Love you,” I call.

“Love you!”



Ihate the quiet. I’m not sure who decided it’s supposed to be peaceful, but I’m pretty sure my brain feels like it has a cheese grater pressed against it. Hell, even Hades is silent. Aren’t dogs supposed to snore? I toss a piece of cereal at him to keep things interesting, but he only gives me the stink eye before shifting on the bed until his back is facing me.

“Rude,” I mutter.

Reaching for my phone, I turn on a shuffle playlist, then set it down on the kitchen table.

I’m bored.

Usually, when I’m bored, I show up on a friend’s doorstep or buy a plane ticket to a different country, but since I start a new job on Monday and I’m already staying at a friend’s house, my options are…limited. Twiddling my thumbs, I scroll my social media when an IndieCent Vows song begins.

After my twenty-first birthday, I caved. Diving down the rabbit hole and basically memorizing every song written by the renowned band. I’m still not sure why. It’s not like I thought it would help lessen my mild crush on their lead guitarist after the night we spent together or erase the memories I desperately wanted to wipe from my mind.