Page 35 of A Little Broken

Staring at my packed bag on the edge of the bed, I gnaw on my lower lip and press call.

It rings twice before a familiar voice answers, bringing a smile to my face.


“Rore!” I keep my voice especially syrupy sweet in hopes of buttering her up a bit. “I miss you! How are you?”

“I’m good. How’re the travels?”

Picking at the edge of the threadbare comforter, I lie, “Good.”

“You sure about that?”

My nose wrinkles. “Okay, I guess I could be a little better.”

“Uh-oh. What happened?”



I bite the edge of my thumb and look up at the popcorn ceiling. I’ve been here for what, two? Three weeks? Damn, has it been a month already? Crazy how time moves differently when you’re traveling.

“Tate?” Rory prods. “You there?”

“Yeah, I’m here.” I close my eyes in an attempt to focus. “I was, uh, I was wondering if I could come out and see you?”

“See me, huh? What? Have you run out of money again on all your travels?”

“Ouch.” I peek out the small window, so I can soak up my last sunrise in Cabo. “And no. Technically, I have a hundred dollars to my name, but thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“I knew it!” Rory laughs.

“You know, I could always resort to picking up random dudes and bed hopping for the foreseeable future instead of visiting.”

“Yeah, why not bring home a few STDs with your souvenirs?” she teases.

Refusing to let her shame me about my sex life, I toss back, “Hey, STDs, souvenirs,anda solid orgasm or two, since we both know?—”

“Faking it is for pussies,” she finishes for me. “Yes, I’m aware of your standards.”

“Well, at least you’ve learnedsomethingfrom me.”

“Uh-huh. I’ve learned your taste in men is deplorable.”

With a smirk, I bring my knees to my chest on the bed and rest my back against the wall. “Bad boys do it better. What can I say?”

“Until they ask for more than one night.”

My nose wrinkles. “Blah. I know. It’s annoying. And they say we’re the needy sex. But at least I’m having fun. How’s that v-card treating you, anyway?”

“You’re super funny,” she grumbles.

“Thanks, I get it from my mom.”

She snorts. “You know, you could always give one of your one-night stands a real chance.”

“And cheat on my best friend?” I quip. “You know you’re the only one for me.”