“Don’t let the tattoos fool you.” He bends toward me, his body stretching right in front of me as he grabs the last cup. It’s my chocolate shake. Or what’s left of it. Holding my gaze, he steals a bite and licks the spoon, dragging his tongue along the back of it as if he knows it was this exact imagery that pushed me over the edge moments before. Hell, you’d think it has a direct connection to my lady bits. And honestly? With the way they’re still pulsing, it might.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Ithink I broke her. Not literally. Hell, I barely touched her. But she’s quiet. And from what little I’ve gathered about the woman, I have a hunch she’s rarely quiet. Did I push her too far? We haven’t even kissed, but I finger-fucked her in the middle of a restaurant. It was empty, and she asked me to, but still.
The parking lot is empty as we walk toward my bike.
“Thanks for the, uh, the burger,” Tatum murmurs. It’s dark. There’s a chill in the air. Digging in my pouch, I pull out a leather jacket and offer it. With a shy smile, she unfolds her arms and turns around, letting me dress her. Lifting her shoulder, she presses her nose to the thick material and breathes in deep.
“You good?” I ask.
“Smells like you.”
I nod. “Is that a problem?”
With a slow shake of her head, she gives me her full attention. “You are many things, Pax. Stinky isn’t one of them.”
I chuckle and pull her into me. “You good with what happened inside?”
“Is this you being concerned about me?”
“About whether or not I pushed you too far?” I challenge. “Yeah. Yeah, that’s what I’m concerned about.”
“Well, you can breathe easy, Mr. Security. I wanted it. I liked it. And I don’t regret it in the least.” She rubs her lips together, peeking up at me through her thick dark lashes. “But you’ll have to cut me some slack for making me feel like I have Jell-O for legs. That was, uh, you have very talented fingers.”
“You know, I think I’ve been told that a time or two.”
She groans and smacks my chest. “Blah, don’t remind me.”
Gripping her ass the way I wanted to in the restaurant, I tug her into me again, and she melts like butter. Probably still riding the high from her orgasm, but I’m not complaining. My cock’s so eager to blow its load, any touch will do.
“I’ve had fun tonight,” I admit.
“That doesn’t surprise me. You seem like you’re a fan of handfuls.”
Another rumble of amusement claws its way up my throat. “Is that what you are? A handful?”
Reaching down, I grip the edge of her hip and squeeze her round ass. “Normally, I’m not so easy to read.”
“Give me a little more credit,” she quips. “Maybe I'm just really good at reading people.”
I believe it. Those hazel eyes don’t seem like they miss much.
Curious, I ask, “And what am I thinking now?”
Her gaze narrows as she smooths out the fabric over my chest. “You’re hoping I’ll invite you to my hotel so we can finish what you started.”
“WhatIstarted?” I laugh. “You’re the one who told me what you wanted for your birthday.”
“And you were more than happy to oblige,” she quips. “In a public restaurant.”
“Gotta make your birthday a memorable one. After all, it’s your twenty-first. Although, now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure I owe you at least one moregiftfor the evening.”