Page 179 of A Little Broken





Ever since the fight, things have been calm. Quiet. And fucking bliss. Tuke flew in for a quick visit to sign a few papers today before heading to Los Angeles for a role he scored in a movie. It’s only a cameo, but it’s nice to see he’s still alive and hasn’t died from too much weed. Not that you can overdose, but if someone managed to pull it off, it’d be Tuke.

The band is still officially on hiatus, but I don’t mind anymore. It seems settling down with someone you love has a way of quieting the other noises around you, and Tatum and me? We’ve never been happier.

That being said, I was surprised by a certain phone call from Judge and Dodger a couple weeks ago. Add in today’s meeting making everything official, and I’m excited to share the news with Tatum.

Balancing the bottle of wine with two wine glasses, I open the door and step onto the back patio in my bathing suit. I would’ve invited Tatum over to tell her the good news if I didn’t already know she’d be here, but it’s almost better this way. She’s in the dark, and I can surprise her any way I want.

She doesn’t notice me right away. She’s too busy soaking up the moonlight, looking gorgeous as ever. With her hair piled onher head, Tatum tilts her head up to the night sky, and my chest swells with gratitude. I still can’t believe she chose me. I’m the luckiest bastard alive.

“Do you think Judge’s family would be willing to sell it?” she asks.

“What?” I laugh.

“The house,” she clarifies. “While you were grabbing the drinks, I decided this is officially my happy place.”

Keeping a straight face, I clear my throat and ask, “You like it here, huh?”

A smile plays at the edge of her lips. She opens her eyes and turns to me, watching as I step into the jacuzzi. With the hot bubbles licking at my skin, I sit down, careful to keep the glasses and wine from submerging in the water before she takes one of them from me.

“Like it here?” She rolls her eyes. “Oh, my dear boyfriend, you have no idea. Want to know a secret?”

I nod.

“When I came to clean the house for the first time, I literally told Rory I was in love with the owner because this place was so perfect.”

“No shit?”

She laughs. “Yup. Who knew I was actually onto something.” She waves the glass through the air, motioning to the bottle in my grasp. “Now, gimme the goods, sir.”

The red liquid spills into her cup, and I do the same to my own glass before setting the half-full bottle on the side table outside the water beside Tatum’s phone.

As she takes a sip, Tatum melts a little further into the jacuzzi, letting the hot water reach her chin and soak the tendrils of hair that have fallen from her messy bun. “Mmm. Seriously, this is the best way to spend a night after a long day cleaning.”

“You could always quit, you know.”

“We’ve already discussed this,” she reminds me. “I like cleaning.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know.” Moving closer, I kiss her temple. “Just reiterating that the offer’s still on the table.”

“And I appreciate it,” she returns. “Want to know what else I appreciate?”

“What?” I ask.

“When you spoil me with a glass of wine and a hot soak after I get home every night.”

“Home, huh?” I kiss her again. “I like the sound of that.”

“Right?” She peeks around me, taking in the house and beach in one long look. “Mmm, if only.”

She has no idea. Despite Tatum never filling me in on what she told Rory when she first came to clean my house, I’ve always known she loves it. The jacuzzi. The view. The music room. The beach. She stays here every night despite neither of us ever officially talking about moving in together. And during today’s meeting, I figured pulling a few strings was the least I could do.