Page 173 of A Little Broken

“Seriously, I’m fine,” I lie.

Striding toward me, she climbs onto my mattress and mirrors my position, pressing her back against the headboard and bringing her knees to her chest as Hades moseys after her. With his nose in the air, he gives a quick sniff, confirming I’m not a threat, then grunts, takes a slow circle, and plops on the ground at the foot of my bed. Rory bumps her knee against mine. “Okay, spit it out. What happened with Pax? Was he mean to you? Do I need to beat him up?”

The idea alone is enough to make my mouth twitch while also making me want to cry, simultaneously proving how off my rocker I really am.

“What?” she challenges. “You really don’t think I could beat him up?”

I give her the side-eye but don’t comment.

If only she knew the beating he gave Killian two nights ago.

“I mean, I could probably convince Dodger to,” she offers. “Or I can always sic Hades on him. Isn’t that right, Hades?” Hades lifts his head and rests his chin on the mattress, giving me puppy dog eyes for the first time…ever.

Tears slip down my cheeks, and I wipe them away. “Stop looking at me like that, Hades.”

“Holy shit, Tate.” She shifts onto her knees, facing me fully. “Okay, now I know something is wrong. Don’t cry.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you’re not. We all know I’m the crier and you’re the vault, so what’s going on? I know I’ve been a little busy, but Ithought you were enjoying your time in lover’s paradise. I had no idea?—”

“Like I said, nothing’s wrong.” I lick my lips. “Not really. And that’s the messed up part.”

“Tate,” Rory pleads. “Please talk to me.”

“I would, I just…” my voice cracks. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Why are you sad?”

I fight the urge to curl away from her and throw a pillow over my head no matter how overwhelming the feeling is. Why am I sad? It’s such a simple question. One that could be used on a toddler, and they’d be able to give you an answer. But me? The only conclusion I have is pathetic at best.

“Come on, Tater Tot,” Rory pushes.

Digging the heel of my hand into my eye socket, I murmur, “I’m sad because I’m in love with him.”

Her silence only confirms I’m actually on crazy pills, and my shoulders heave on a broken sigh. “I know. I know it doesn’t make sense, okay? That’s why I’m freaking out.”

“Then help me understand,” she begs. “Why is being in love with Pax a sad thing?”

“Because the last time I was in love, I had my heart crushed into a billion pieces.” The pressure in my chest grows until it’s hard for me to breathe. Lifting my hand, I chew on the edge of the IndieCent Vows hoodie sleeve, my anxiety ratcheting as scenario after scenario flash through me. “What if…what if it happens again?”

Her frown deepens, and she stares at me without a word.

When the silence is too heavy, I joke, “Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence.”

“It’s not that, it’s just…” She hesitates. “I’m not sure I know the answer to this one.”

“Yeah, well, neither do I,” I grumble. “Which is why I’ve been hiding in bed for the last two days.”

“What if…what if you call Lia?”

Nibbling on the edge of my thumb, I admit, “I don’t know if I’ve earned the little sister right to pick Lia’s brain and ask for advice quite yet.”

With a sigh, Rory squeezes my knee. “Earned the right? Don’t you get it, Tate? It isn’t something you have to earn. You two are family. She loves you. And if she knew you were hurting or stressing about something she had the power to help with, she’d be here in a heartbeat. I guarantee it.” She squeezes my knee again, then lets me go. “And in the meantime, I’m getting ice cream for us. It’s clear you need it, and once I’m back, we can binge watch a show of your choice as a consolation prize. Deal?”


She gives me a look that would make my mother proud. “Deal?” she pushes.