Page 15 of A Little Broken

“You’re right. It’s your parents’ problem, isn’t it?” Dodger counters. “Should I call them now or…?”

Her gaze narrows. “I thought you said we could keep my parents out of this.”

“And I thought you’d know why I have issues with young girls getting rides in the dark. Or have you forgotten what happened to my sister a few years back?” he challenges.

Aaaand, there it is.

The bane of my existence and one of the few mistakes Dodger has no issue holding over my head. You see, Dodger was supposed to give his sister a ride that night, but his bike wasn’t working, so he asked me to pick Raine up instead. And I was going to. I just…wanted to get head from a groupie first. By the time I re-emerged from the back room where we were performing, Dodger was losing his mind about his little sister’s stalker cornering her outside his family’s tattoo shop. It was all my fault. All my fucking fault. And if Raine’s boyfriend hadn’t intervened, who knows what would’ve happened to her? The thought alone is enough to send a shiver down my spine, and I fold my arms, waiting for the feeling to dissipate despite knowing it never will. Not really.

The truly surprising part, though? Dodger isn’t using my fuck-up to rub my nose in shit. He’s using it to keep Birthday Girl from doing something stupid, and I can’t help but want to applaud the bastard for it.

Refusing to back down, Tatum replies, “Pretty sure I don’t have a scary ex–slash–stalker who’s looking for an opening to kidnap me, so…”


It’s official. This girl must have balls of steel.

“I can give them a ride,” I offer.

Everyone’s attention slices to me.

“You have your bike,” Dodger reminds me.

Shit. I didn’t think about that.

“Uber, it is.” Tatum takes another step toward the exit, looking less than displeased. “Come on, Rore.”

“Tatum,” Rory starts.

“Not gonna let an Uber driver take you girls home,” Dodger says. “If you’re gonna be this stubborn, I’ll have Herb give you a ride back to your place after the meet and greet.”

Well, shit. Seems my buddy’s thought of everything.

Your move, Tatum.

Her lips gnash together. Well aware she’s been cornered, she places her hand on her stomach, her brow dipping. “You know, I’m actually not feeling well, so…”


And the fact she’s using the same excuse she literally admitted to using with her parents? I cover my smirk with my hand, convinced the only thing that would make this interaction better is a bowl of popcorn.

“Why don’t you catch a ride with Pax, and I’ll hang out for the meet and greet?” Rory suggests from the couch. “Then Herb can give me a ride back to the hotel later?”

My eyes widen at the opportunity she’s gifted me. When they lock with Rory’s behind Tatum’s back, she winks at me, proving she knows it, too.

Well, would you look at that?

You might be my new favorite person, Baby.

“What about the fans?” Dodger demands.

“You were late on stage,” Tuke adds from the buffet, piling donuts and more beef jerky onto a plate like it’s his last meal. “You know what that means.” He stuffs an entire cream puff into his mouth, licking the powdered sugar off his thumb without bothering to hide his knowing grin.


Yeah, he knows the rules. Weallknow the rules. Whenever I’m late on stage, I’m the designated buffer during the meet and greets, since fans are known for using alcohol as liquid courage before meeting me and the rest of the band.

“Tell them I got food poisoning,” I suggest.