Page 138 of A Little Broken

He hasn’t texted. I mean, I knew he wouldn’t. He told me he was meeting one of Judge’s nephews to work out and hit each other, so it’s not like he’d have access to his phone or whatever. Then again, it’s been a few hours. How long does a sparring session usually last? And does it even matter? I’m the one who said I needed a little space. Me. Not Pax. So why does his lack of reaching out make me feel like I kind of want to vomit? I paste on a fake smile and prop my hand on my hip. “I do have plans.”

“Oh, really?”

“Yup. You, me, and Ben and Jerry are in for an epic night.”

It’s one of the few traditions we’ve fully embraced from our families. Our addiction to ice cream and movie nights. Honestly, it makes me miss them. My parents. My aunts and uncles. Even Ophelia. We grew up spending every Friday evening going to the grocery store with our mom and dad to pick out our very own pint of ice cream. After, we’d pile onto the couch, pints and spoons in hand, then vote on what movie to watch. The memory is melancholy at best. I need to call her. And soon.

“Have you called and congratulated Lia yet?” Rory prods, as if the mention of Ben & Jerry’s took her down the same memory lane it did with me.

I shake my head. “Not yet. How ‘bout you and Mav?”

“Yeah, actually. That man is so in love with your sister it’s not even funny.”

I sober even more. “I know he is.”

“It’ll be weird, though.” She hesitates, her gaze glued to the drying dishes on the counter, though I know she’s mentally far away. “Not having Arch as the best man.”

She’s right. It will be.

Willing the pressure behind my eyes to go away, I dig my fingernails into my palms. “Who’d he ask instead?”

“Reeves,” Rory answers. “Not surprising, though he did confirm all the guys will be there, so…”

“I assume that includes Jax?”


She looks like she’s about to puke, and it makes me want to hug her.

“Did you ever tell Mav what happened?” I ask.

She shivers. “Nope, but all the girls know, and there’s no way Lia didn’t pass the info along at some point over the years, so I doubt he’s completely in the dark.”

True. And I can’t even fault him for it. Not this time.

“Good point,” I concede.

“Yeah.” She sighs. “Mav also asked me to pass a message along to you.”

My nose wrinkles. “What kind of message?”

Lifting her hands in air quotes, she drops her voice low, mimicking her older brother. “Tell Tate to call Opie. She misses her.”

Puffing out my cheeks, I give in and nod slowly. “I’ll see what I can do.”

“I know you will. And on that note, I’m going to clean up, then we can go to the store and pick up ice cream.”


An empty pint ofmint chocolate chip ice cream sits next to my phone on the nightstand as Rory and I watch a dating show instead ofGilmore Girls. It’s super stupid and way over-dramatized, but after a few episodes, we can’t help but cheer and boo every couple on the island. When my phone rings, I push the empty pint aside and grab it from the table. It’s my dad.

Confused, I answer it.

“Is it Sunday?” I ask.

“Figured this was worth breaking our rule,” my dad mutters. “Since when is my daughter famous?”

“Famous?” I laugh. “What are you talking about?”