Okay, this isn’t great. I’ve been black out drunk a time or two, and even then, I felt like I could sweep the evening under the rug. Now, though? With Paxton two feet in front of me while sporting a sweet, caring personality I’m pretty sure I don’t deserve? It’s confusing and off-putting and…not great.
“What happened, Pax?” I ask.
“You drank too much.”
“Really? I had no idea.” My mouth twitches. “Anything else?”
“You puked.”
“You mentioned that already.”
“You gave everyone a show,” he continues.
My eyes thin. “What kind of show?”
“One on a coffee table.”
I rub at my tired eyes, still feeling lost. “Sounds promising.”
“Trust me, you had quite the audience.” He leans closer, his cologne somehow managing to distract me from my throbbing headache. “And if they weren’t there, I would’ve let you continue.”
My attention drops to his mouth for a moment. Then, I look him in the eye again. “I’m sure you would’ve. I’ve heard I’m the queen of putting on a good show after a few drinks.”
With a smirk, he scratches his jaw. “You have no idea.”
“Anything else?” I prod.
“Roman kicked everyone out.”
“Including Rory?”
He sobers slightly and nods. “Yeah.”
Niggling hits the back of my mind, but I stick a pin in the feeling. “Go on.”
“You fell on top of me, and I carried you to the bathroom.”
“Which is when the puking happened,” I assume.
“That’s good, I guess,” I mutter. “At least I made it to the toilet. What happened after?”
“We talked and…” He hesitates. “I carried you here.” He motions to the bedroom, and I drag my hands along the silky black sheets.
All right, he most definitely breezed over something, but I can’t quite put my finger on what.
Unsure if I even want to know the answer, I ask, “And where did you sleep?”
“In the spare room.”
“You didn’t think to put me in the spare room?”
“I could’ve.”
“But?” I prod.
“But the idea of you sleeping anywhere other than my bed felt wrong.”