That’s what I’m imagining. But it’s Tess’s face dripping with everything I have in my balls right now. It would be that much, I think. Like the pie…
She starts to turn my way.
I try to duck out of view of the window.
The forest is my home and I move fast in it.
But I’m not myself today. I’m a clumsy, stupid animal, and my belt loop catches on a nail sticking out of a fence post. So when I try to leap back into the trees, I crack against the side of the cabin instead.
Tess spots me instantly. Her face falls, and I think she’s about to scream, but her eyes turn soft.
A moment later, she’s stepping outside with her brows drawn together. “Are you okay? I heard a thud. The whole cabin shook like an earthquake.”
“Fine,” I growl.
She glances around. Nobody can see us where we’re standing.
Now I can see that she’s barefoot, and her toes are just as brightly colored as her fingers. And those thoughts of rubbing myself against her return, only this time, I’m rubbing my dick between her feet.
She takes in the sight of my belt loop caught on the fence and giggles behind her hand. “So…what were you doing out here anyway?”
A smile dimples her cheeks. Her eyes are on my dick, and I know her question isn’t genuine. The hard little peaks of her nipples are teasing me through her shirt.
Tess knows what I was doing.
But she’s giving me an out.
If I was a clever guy—if I wasn’t just some forest monster stalking this little doll of a girl—I could come up with an excuse.
But all I manage to grunt out is, “I need.”
My brain wants me to say that I need help getting unstuck.
My entire body has other plans.
I need you.
I need to touch you. Smell you. I need you naked in front of me. I need to eat you, starting with those painted toenails and working my way up until you scream. I need to fuck your face. I need—
“I need,” I say again.
“Well, I can help with that,” says Tess, like she can read my mind.
She eases closer.
As soon as she’s in arm’s reach, I grab her.
Wrap my arm around her waist. Jerk her toward me.
Tess gasps.
She’s just as soft as I thought she’d be. She smells even better than Fruit Loops. That little gasp? It makes my hips thrust involuntarily, shoving against hers, pressing the agony of my hard-on against her body.