“Okay, well,” Lindsay says on a sigh, as though whatever she wanted to accomplish in their little interaction with the man-monster didn’t go her way. “I’ll catch up with you again tomorrow. I know we can resolve all your concerns.”
She pats Rutger on the arm, with a thinner smile than she uses for me. Like an older sister trying to reassure her brother.
He responds with something like a growl.
Lindsay eventually tugs at my arm in order to take me to my cabin. My feet crunch on the leaves and gravel as we walk, my heart feels like it’s about to come through my chest as we come to the end of the path and I try to focus on my new accommodations. The cabin is about the size of one of those mini houses you see on the sides of the road that you can pull behindyour car like a trailer. But I have my own room. And a bathroom, thank the lord.
More than enough space for me, my backpack, and Frida.
Because it’s only a few hundred yards from where we parked, I can see that Rutger stands like a rooted tree exactly where we left him. He’s bristling with dark energy and staring at my window.
God. I think I love him.
Chapter 2
I’ve got so many problems, but suddenly I can’t think of anything except Tess.
My body wants her.
The need hit like a sucker punch to the gut that somehow gave me a hard-on like the Empire State Building. I’m like a ravenous grizzly, salivating and gnashing my teeth.
Yeah, I want to fuckingeatTess.
That can’t be right.
I’m staring at the door where she disappeared, and I swipe the back of my hand over my lips. The saliva just keeps coming.
Humans don’t eat humans.
Right? At least, I didn’t think so until about five minutes ago.
Something weird started happening from the moment I saw her. I was on my normal morning jog through the trees, pushing some over that are in my way, heading down the mountain and back up the other side, making sure everything is okay onmyproperty.
Only, this morning,shewas down near the bottom and nothing felt normal.
I heard her voice first. She said a sentence that ended with the word “kitten.” I didn’t make out the rest of it, but I heardmusic in her voice and there was a feeling in my chest like a rope pulling me toward the sound.
Tess was standing in the middle of a sunbeam through the trees, and I was overwhelmed by the sight of her. It was like coming across a princess from one of those old cartoons, she was so pretty. Round and soft. Her hair glowed like a spool of copper wire. Her big doe eyes were innocent but sharp.
She was wearing a giant shirt and jeans, but they didn’t do a lot to hide her body. I still can’t stop thinking about how it would feel to weigh those huge breasts in my hands—and I’ve never touched a woman before, not like that, but I can still vividly imagine how good the weight will settle on my palms.
I want that big round ass of hers pressed against my lap. I wanna grab her waist and measure it between my forefingers and thumbs. I don’t know I could reach all the way around, but goddamn if I don’t wanna try.
The instant I saw her, my dick got so hard that I couldn’t think about anything except pressing it between her breasts and against her ass and just everywhere. I imagined rubbing it all over her softness, up her back, on her poochy little belly, even slapping her cute little cherub cheeks with the head. I almost did it too. I had to force my feet to stay stuck on the ground—
Dammit, I’m made out of need.
Everything human is gone from me. My worries are drowned out by a screaming animal howling for its mate, like wolves hollering all through mating season.
And now that I’ve seen her up close, it’s worse. I caught her scent even hiding behind the sign but now? It’s assaulting me.
Ruining me from the inside out. I thought I might chill the fuck out if I could just look her in the eye. I thought if I got close, I’d notice bad stuff and lose the fantasy.
She’s better than the fantasy.
Tess has pretty fingers tipped by neon nail polish and full lips that I want to feel around my dick. I’m just as interested in her throat. She shows it off when she tilts her head back to look up at me, because she’s such a tiny little princess.