Page 50 of Hard Wood Daddy

We soar together.

I think my heart stops beating.

My head is as empty as my body is full.

I’m floating in some kind of zen-gasm state when Rutger’s surprise-laugh shocks me out of the haze. I blink my vision clear, tighten my thighs around his hips. “What?” I ask blearily, looking around.

Rutger is trying to smother his laughter, but every time he looks at Frida, he laughs again. The kitten is sitting on the table a few feet away. She’s staring at us with huge wide eyes, tail puffy, looking as shocked as I’ve ever seen her.

I can’t help but laugh too.

We fold together, relaxed and giggling.

“Our first daughter is traumatized,” I say breathlessly, stroking Rutger’s hair off his sweaty forehead.

He gathers me off of the couch, bundling me into his arms. “Then we better lock ourselves away. She’s too innocent for what comes next.”

“What comes next?” I ask.

“Nine months of sucking your tits, eating your pussy, and making sure you don’t lift a finger to do anything,” Rutger says. “You’re my girl, my baby, my queen. And I’m gonna take such good care of you.”

I believe him.

Chapter 12



Epilogue — One Year Later

I’m a papa.


And I can read, thanks to my Tessy-doll and some DVD’s she brought home from the thrift store about teaching your baby to read.

At first, I was all butt-hurt about having to follow a baby teaching program, but as usual, my girl was right. It eased my brain into learning how to put together letters and words, and once it clicked, I’ll admit it felt good to be able to read her a bedtime story.

Even if it was from a children’s book.

With a book in my hand and my coffee cup steaming next to me on a tree stump, I lean back in the wooden chair I made, in my favorite spot under a big oak, and watch Tess rocking our little Francesca in her cradle on the porch of our now-expandedcabin, while she sings softly to our baby with the morning sun streaming through the trees.

I thought my cabin was enough in all my years, but once I got Tess here, I knew I needed to upgrade it to something worthy of a treasure like her. I spent the next six months fucking her and building onto the cabin.

I loved planning every room with her, designing our future. We got married under the stars two months after I got all the legal things settled with the help of my Tess and three lawyers.

That Don fucktard cropped up again a few weeks after the first beatdown, trying to keep his little shit storm rumbling with his big team of lawyers, and well, it’s strange, he’s been missing ever since. Weird.

The coyotes and wolves and vultures on the other side of the mountain were happy that week. That’s all I’m gonna say about that.

After getting Tess settled in our home that first week, I nearly fucked her right into a hospital stay. It took all my willpower to back off, but there are plenty of other ways to give my girl what she needs without battering her pussy with my thick dick every ten seconds.

God, I could eat her alive. Still.

I don’t think there’s been a day since we’ve been together I haven’t had my mouth between her legs and her ass cheeks. Her tits, God, don’t even get me started. Once her milk came in, well… I thought I was in heaven before, but now, I’m on her ten times a day and thank God, her body compensated for the extra demand by making her glorious tits milk producers that keep us both fed with more to spare.

I’m horny and thirsty right now watching her. My possessiveness has grown in proportion to my love for her, and I rarely let her out of my sight. Sometimes I let her think she’s going out on her own, to town, or maybe out with some of theladies from the camp, but I’m always lurking, always following, and deep down I think she knows.