“You don’t have to model nude. Never. I won’t allow it.”
“They can’t look at you naked.” An invisible noose tightens around my windpipe.
“I already told Lindsay I’d do a class tomorrow,” she says. There’s a little teasing to her voice. Like she knows this is going to get me fired up, and she wants it.
And damn it, she’s right. My hands are already clenching into fists at the thought of my wife showing any other motherfucker her fucking gorgeous body.
“You’re mine.” I fold my arms across my chest. I know I’m pouting. I just don’t know how to make her understand. “You will obey me. Let me breed you and keep you and carry you everywhere and make sure you never have to work another day in your life.”
She blinks up at me, her mouth opening and closing without a word. She raises one finger, and starts to say something, then thinks better of it.
“Mine,” I repeat.
“You know that whole ‘Obey me. Let me breed you. You never have to work again,’thing is kind of… not how human beings operate anymore, right? You’ve heard of feminism?”
She laughs, but I see the shudder pass through her body. I know fear when I smell it.
Good. Right now, she should be scared. Because if I have to lock her away to stop her taking her clothes off in front of strangers, I will.
“You’re... such a funny mix of contrasts. Sometimes the way you watch over me makes me feel like you’re my daddy. But sometimes I talk to you, and you’re like a little kid.”
I step toward her, chin tipping down, shoulders lifting.
My energy changes to something sizzling and offended. Tess’s energy changes too, responding to mine like a rabbit who just sensed a circling hawk.
She steps backward, and I crowd her space.
“Little?” I ask, this time out loud. My voice doesn’t even sound like my own anymore.
I shove her against the wall and drive my hip between her thighs, hiking her up. She gasps and grabs my shoulders. She doesn’t need to. I won’t let her fall.
“There’s nothing little about me,” I say, curving my hand around her jaw to tip her head back. “I’m probably old enough to be your daddy. But what I want to do to you isn’t something a daddy should do to his little girl.”
Breathily, she asks, “What do you want to do to me?”
“I want to fill you up,” I say, tightening my hand around her throat. “Hold you down and pump you full of every drop. Put my baby inside you. It seems right, putting myself all inside you. You’ve gotten inside me. You’re the only thing I want, Tess. You’re mine. And that’s why I won’t allow you to get naked in front of other people.”
“I do what I want,” she says defiantly.
Fuck it.
She’s not expecting me to throw her over my shoulder, so she shrieks at the sudden movement. She’s only five feet tall. It’s easy to manhandle her. Get her up next to my cheek.
I slap her ass with one hard smack.
“Let’s see if I can’t change your mind,” I say.
She’s struggling as I storm out into the night, dragging her back to my cabin. I slap her ass a few more times because I like the sound. I like the breathy gasps. I like that I can do it, and she can’t stop me.
Tess doesn’t seem like she wants to stop me.
My dick’s so stiff by the time I get her back to my cabin, it’s coming out the waistband of my jeans again. I throw her onto my bed. She bounces, sprawls out. The coppery coils of her hair spill across my pillow. Her eyes lock right onto my erection and her tongue comes out to wet her lips. Fuck, but I want that tongue on me.