Page 26 of Hard Wood Daddy

It’s nighttime and everyone’s winding down in their cabins. Some are picnicking for dinner by the lake. It’s quiet in a nice way. Sometimes I catch a few words of soft conversation, some gentle laughter, but right now all I see is red.

All I feel is anger.

I’m at her door, heaving out breaths like a huffing grizzly.

Tess answers the door before I knock. I’m bathed in the scent of nail polish, and realizing that she was just bent over doing her toes gets me even harder. My gaze wanders over her. I take my time to memorize the way she looks with her hair down, to notice she’s using the new nail polish we bought, to admire the halo of lamplight around her crown.

Fear jabs at my insides.

She’s holding that…thing. It’s gray and fuzzy. It looks at me with huge eyes. Claws stick out of its fluffy paws, sending a shudder through me. I glare at them digging into Tess’s hand, but she’s not reacting at all.

I take an instinctive step back. “Hello,” I manage, jaw clenched, eyeing the kitten.

“Hello back.” She drags her bottom lip through her teeth and I watch, mesmerized. She might as well be dragging her teeth along my skin. Every inch of it lights up like a thousand fireflies. My heart beats like hummingbird wings. I’m getting hot. Hot like the potbelly stove when I feed it too much oak. “Wanna come in?”

She steps aside, tipping her head in welcome, and I wedge myself through the door, keeping my back to the wall, eyes on the kitten as I squeeze past and into the tiny cabin.

I’ve already got her space here memorized. I’ve seen it enough through the window. I know it’s wrong. Watching her without her knowing. But I pray for foregivness while I’m doing it, hoping that’s enough, then knowing it isn’t when I lose the battle and fist myself, pumping, pumping up and down, desperate for relief. Being surrounded by her smells now makes blood speed through my body, rushing to make my cock swell thicker, thicker, until the skin feels ready to split.

“How is…the cat?” I garble awkwardly.

“Frida?” Tess lifts the kitten to show her off as I take a step back, tripping over my feet, nearly taking the cabin wall down when I fall against it. “She’s doing a lot better with the new food. She’s playing a lot more. You have no idea how much you’ve helped us. It’s a huge weight off my shoulders.”

“I like helping you.” I right myself, standing but gripping my temples, unsure what to do or say. “She seems important to you.”

“She’s my first.” Tess snuggles the kitten to her cheek.

For a minute, I’m not thinking about how that little kitten could launch itself at my face and tear out my eyes. I’m imagining that Tess is holding a baby. Our baby. Something that we made together, all round and sweet. She’s gonna be a good mom.

And I’m gonna put the babies in her. Lots of them. The thought surges straight to my cock.

“She’s also the reason I got kicked out of my mom’s house.” Tess lets the kitten out of her hands. Frida bounces across the bed, chasing something I can’t see. “I spent years working odd jobs to help my mom pay the bills, but she couldn’t handle it when I asked for one thing in return. Just one thing.”

“You’ve been working for years?” My brow lowers over my eyes in disapproval.

Nobody should have made my girl work. I wouldn’t let her. If I could, I’d let her relax and do whatever she wanted, waiting for me to come home from the forest and stuff her full of dick. I’ll breed her with a dozen tiny versions of us, just to see her round with each one. Just to see her tits swollen with milk.

I want to have a house full. And I’ll learn to change diapers and be gentle and read bedtime stores, so my queen can lie back and enjoy her life.

And make more babies for me.

“You’re young to have a lot of work experience.”

“Eighteen.” She mouths it quietly, like it’s a tempting secret.

She’s barely more than a child, but even I know the law says she’s a grown up. Not that the law means much to me living up here, except when it comes to these papers and taxes and leases.

I hate the law.

I was already honing barn beams and working the timber saw at the mill when she was born. “How’ve you worked so long?”

“Well, my mom always said I was never going to amount to anything, so there was no point in school. I had to legally go until I was sixteen, then she told me it was time to go to work. She said I’m not smart enough to be a big shot lawyer, or good enough with my hands for medicine, or like—yeah, I dropped out of school and just went to work.” She shrugs with a sad acceptance in her eyes and I want to go meet her mother and introduce her to the son-in-law that’s going to be sure she never hurts his wife again.

I press my hand against her chest, feeling her heartbeat, and her eyes snap up.

“You don’t have to work anymore,” I blurt out.

“No?” She smiles a little, and the dimple on her cheek has a chokehold on my heart.