Page 11 of Hard Wood Daddy

Steering her hips, I slide her up and down, and up again. I hike her thigh up higher, spread her legs wider, and rub harder.

“Fuck,” she whispers, her eyelashes fluttering. “Fuck. Oh my God.”

Even through our jeans, my cock slots right against her.

Her curves capture me. She grinds along the shaft and I fist her hair reflexively.

I’ve been on the brink of coming since I saw her bending over inside. Now, it’s not gonna take me long to finish. Pleasure’s got a tight hold on my spine. My vision’s dark around the edges, so I can’t see anything but the ecstasy on her face.

A shudder rolls through her body. I feel it in her neck, gripped by my hand, and I feel it in her knee shaking against me. She makes the sweetest little whine I’ve ever heard. It drags out long. Her eyelashes flutter a bunch.

She’s coming.

As soon as I realize, I follow her down.

My teeth clench, my back bows, my nose buries in her hair.

I come hard, roaring toward the glimpses of blue through the tree tops.

Birds bolt into the sky. Squirrels skitter away in the leaf litter.

Thick white ropes of cum spurt out the waistband of my jeans. I can’t help it. It shoots up onto my belly, onto my belt. It gets on Tess’s pretty little painted fingers.

She lolls against me, boneless, and raises her fingers to look at them. “That’s one problem fixed,” she says with a gaspy little laugh.

I’m shocked when she licks them.

Tasting me. Cleaning me off her skin.

She makes eye contact the whole time.

My whole world is her now. In those eyes, I find a forever I didn’t know I could have.

Finally, finally, she unhooks me from the fence nail.

I’m released.

For a moment, I stand over her, bristling with desires that haven’t softened. My dick’s ready to go again.

I brace my hand on the wall over her head. I make a cavern out of my body, sheltering her under my shadow. Bowed to hide her from the entire world.

“Thanks,” I hiss between my teeth. In that one word, I load everything I’m feeling. I let her hear how hungry I am.

Suddenly, a voice breaks the air. “Tess! Teeeee-ssss! You here?” It’s Lindsay.

“You’re welcome, forest daddy,” Tess whispers, licking her fingertips again. Her smile broadens as loss cinches around my heart when her body breaks from mine.

“Tess!” Lindsay shouts. Her voice is getting closer.

All I want to do is throw Tess against the wall of the cabin and rip her jeans off and follow these urges down the path to wherever they lead, but I can’t do it.

Not yet.

She turns and walks away to answer the call. I have to stand there, clenching my fists, blowing breaths hard through mynose, resisting the desire to make this woman mine in every way possible.

I’m going to have her.

Nothing else means anything to me anymore.