“Okay.” Her voice is sleepy but I want to know where to come get her in the morning…
“Where are you, Lula, what’s your address?”
Soft snoring is her answer. Fuck, it’s okay, I’ll listen to her sleep. All night if I can. Tomorrow, everything is changing.
“...andthen the banker says, that was close, he almost caught me!” My dad barks out a laugh, grabbing his oxygen as Mick and Sandy chuckle at the old joke, and a smile plays on my lips.
This is the first time he’s been out of the house in forever. I might be in charge here on a day-to-day basis, but everyone knows this is still Dad’s business. They love him, I see that, and it’s good to see him having fun.
And for once, I’m in kind of a good mood. Which is odd, because I’m going to lunch today with Mom and Larry, which should be enough to make sticking pins in my eyes an inviting prospect.
Scotch is going to be there. And the thought of seeing him again, even for a family meal, makes my heart sing. Even though I’ve begged him not to say anything about us, and he’s reluctantly agreed, it sort of feels like we’re both meeting each other’s parents. Which in a way I guess we are.
The memory of what we did, both in person and over the phone, is still so fresh it makes me wet. I can’t believe I talked to him like that on the phone and played with myself to boot.
The things I said, wooooo lawd. Daddy would not be happy.
But, Daddy has a whole new meaning now.
But I liked it all. So, so much.
The thought of what might happen when he sees me, how he will treat me when our parents are right there, makes my nipples start to tingle all over again. He came while I listened to him on the phone. He described it to me. I’m hot just thinking about it.
He called and asked where I was this morning and I had to lie. I told him that I was at a doctor’s appointment with my dad. If ever he knew that the successful auto parts business I told him we had was nothing more than an old scrapyard that’s hemorrhaging money…
“Hey, Lula…” Harry comes around the corner as I look up and meet his eyes. “There’s a man outside, says he’s here to see the owner.”
“The owner?” Suddenly my dad is interested, his face falling.
And I can’t take away his happiness. Not even for a second.
I turn, waving like it’s no big deal. “It’s fine, Dad. Just some guy looking for parts for an old VW Bug. He called ahead. I told him I was sure we could help him out. I’ll be five minutes.”
He grins back. “That’s my girl. VW Bug. Nice car. A classic.”
“I don’t think he’s here for parts,” Harry says as I follow him to the door. “I mean, he’s in a suit.”
I shoot him a look. “I said that for Dad’s sake. He doesn’t need to know whatever this new hell is.”
“Yeah, but, Lula—”
“Go back and join in the fun, Harry. I can handle this.”
I ignore his protests as I head for the front door and slip outside, seeing the man standing there, looking the other way as he glances around the lot.
“Can I help you?” I ask, and he jumps as he turns to look at me.
I’d guess he’s in his fifties. Slightly rumpled suit. Narrow features like they’ve all been squished together. “I’m looking for Mr. Zid—” He looks back at the papers in his hand then tries again, “Zd—zd-ski. Z-D-Z-I-N-S-K-I. Do you know where I can find him?”
“I’m his daughter. You can talk to me.”
He shakes his head. “His name is on the deed.”