Dimitri wraps his hand around Anna’s waist, looking like he’s just won the lottery.

“What?” Seleme rests a hand on my chest and puts her other around my waist.

“Something’s happened.” Dimitri’s voice is deep as he looks from Anna back to us. “With the Hasanovs.”

I feel Seleme’s body tighten, and reply for us both. “What?”

“It’s okay.” Anna adds. “It’s good news.”

A beat of silence, then Seleme breaks the tension. “Stop with the theatrical pauses and tell us.”

“We’re having a baby.” Anna smiles as her voice cracks, and Seleme and I look at each other in confusion, then back at Anna. “I mean, I’m not actually having a baby. But… there’s a baby. She was born to a turned vampire in New York, but after she turned… a similar situation to Seleme’s, although thankfully without all the moon-child craziness. The Hasanovs came to hear about it, but the mother and father were both killed in a freak accident the day after the child’s birth. Car accident. They ran into a tree which fractured and impaled both of them in the chest. The Hasanovs came to me, because they weren’t sure what to do. The mother had no vampire family. The child was an orphan, surely unable to fit in in the human world, so they hoped I might know what to do.” She shrugs, and Dimitri kisses her cheek.

“We knew what to do, alright,” he says with a grin.

“Really? You’re going to take the baby?”

Anna nods. “Can you believe this shit?”

Both the kids gasp and Anna starts to blush.

“Sorry. I mean, can you believe it though?”

“Mommy, she said a swear.” Avery looks up at Seleme.

“I know, baby. It’s okay, grown-ups sometimes slip.”

“Congratulations, man. When?” I reach my hand out to shake Dimitri’s again.

“Tonight. That’s why we popped by. We wanted to come back here. I know your mom and dad are coming in. We wanted to share it with all of you. You are our family.”

Both the kids start jumping up and own.

“Yes!” Avery squeals. “I want to see the baby!”

“I want to show the puppies the baby. They can all be friends!” Raymond adds.

“Okay, okay.” Seleme lets me go and hugs Anna. “I’m so sorry for the parents that died, but this is the best news. We will be here waiting. We will set up a nursery in the guest suite. I still have so many of the kids’ things. It will be so much fun, won’t it?” Seleme looks to the kids who both jump and nod.

“You know, you could have just called.” Raymond looks to Dimitri and Anna. “They have these things called phones. You don’t have to come walking through the walls whenever you want to tell us something.”

Anna draws her brows together. “What fun would that be? Besides, cell phones are the devil. They steal your soul.” She looks down at the kids who look back with wide eyes.

“We should be heading out.” Dimitri puts his hand on Anna’a back. “It’s a half hour trip and they are waiting.”

“I’m so excited.” Anna makes her hands into fists in front of her chest. “I’m going to be a mom. After four-thousand, eight hundred and forty-six years!”

“Hey!” Seleme narrows her eyes at her, then points a finger her way. “You do know how old you are.”

Anna shrugs. “Of course I do. How could anyone lose count of how old they are?” She makes this ‘tsk’ sound, and Seleme shakes her head.

“Okay, see you in a few hours.” Dimitri waves as they head to the front door.

Anna heads for the wall, but he doesn’t let her hand go, opening the door and pulling her along behind. As they disappear into the night, we all gather around with a new joy in our eyes.

“Ready to make up the new baby’s room?” Seleme looks at the kids and they nod vigorously.

“Okay, but first…” I step toward the kitchen. “I think we have to deal with some food issues…”