I immediately scour my brain for the date. June 8th. June 8th.
I’m the worst at remembering dates and I resign myself that I’ve missed something.
“I know it’s Wednesday, does that count?” I giggle.
“Yeah, but that’s not it, little bird. Reach into my left inside pocket.”
“What are you up to, Thadeus.” I chide as my inner child comes alive and my hand goes to reach inside the silky inside of his suit jacket.
He still loves his suits and will wear one at any occasion, like he’s just waiting for an excuse to break one out. Around the house we are more casual, but that’s about it because he knows how much I love my sexy, tattooed bad boy in a suit.
Inside the pocket I feel something soft. I loop a finger into a ribbon and pull. Slipping my hand back out into the sunshine, a tiny red velvet bag comes with it.
“Open it.”
I pull out the matching red velvet box, holding it in my palm as I turn to look up at the love of my life.
“Whatever it is, thank you.” I say before opening it. I’m thankful for his gifts, every time, because they’re from him no matter what they are.
I snap open the top of the little box and a smile breaks over my face so big my cheeks ache.
“Thank you.” I’m laughing and nearly crying. This man never ceases to amaze me.
“I remember those little donut earrings you wore that first day we met. It was just another sign that you were mine. The donut man delivering donuts to the girl with the donut earrings? Tell me that’s not a movie title right there.”
“You are a goof.” I tip the box so it catches the sun.
Inside, the little gold donut earrings are sprinkled with tiny multi colored gemstones.
“No, I’m just a man who’s desperately in love with his wife.” He kisses me with the same lust and passion he did that first day. He sighs into our kiss before pulling back and squeezing my shoulder. “Happily ever after, little bird. The end.”
The new neighbor’sscent is stronger tonight.
It’s making my stomach flutter and my heart beat faster than it has these past two weeks. I can’t seem to get him out of my head and I’ve yet to lay eyes on him.
And Anna isn’t helping.
“All I’m saying is, you haven’t even really lived. And now you’re going to...” She makes air quotes. “Do your duty. Joining the ranks of the undead is enough—marrying some douche canoe because of an arrangement between some old white dudes is another.” She looks around in mock panic. “Where’s my rape whistle? You’re going to need it.”
“Stop,” I snap back. “You know how this works. You’ve been around more than a few centuries.”
She rolls her glowing red eyes, completely in character as a twenty-five-year-old. “And for what? Some pact you had no hand in whatsoever. I’m just trying to establish what you want. You. My best friend, Seleme. Not what your father wants. Vampires are idiots, just like humans.”
She crosses the room to my dollhouse, picking up the latest addition and examining it. The little grandfather clock, an exact replica of the full-size one in the foyer of our mansion, is perfect in every way. It even chimes on the hour. It's also worth more than most people make in a year.
“This is quite exquisite,” she comments with a shrug.
“Thank you. Papa gave it to me.” I draw in a breath through my nose.
“Of course he did. Your clock is ticking, as it were.” She laughs, taking a long sniff of the open box of Cheez-Its on the table next to the doolhouse before putting it down with a disgusted look. “How do you eat these things? They smell like feet.”
“Half human, half vampire, remember? I have to feed both.” Her disgust for my favorite food is nothing new, but I’m not in the mood to be called out on it right now. Besides, my own small kitchenette is stocked with plenty of healthy foods as well, and I get raw beef and blood when I’m hungry, while my parents usually go out to eat. So to speak. Half human, half vampire, keeping both healthy like a boss. “Look, it doesn’t matter what I want. You say it like my father is some sort of monster. He isn’t. He cares about us, my mother and me, which is the only reason he made this pact in the first place. He didn’t think my mother would actually get pregnant as a human. It wasn’t his plan for me to be born when I was. That my birthday would fall on the trifecta of vampire holy days or whatever you want to call it. The Messina family has protected us since I was born. Now it’s time for me to repay that debt. They think it’s likely, since my mother was able to conceive with a vampire, that I will as well. Simple.”