“And I’ll tell you. But we have to do this inside. It’s for your own good, Cee, trust me.”

CeeCee reluctantly follows and I explain the real reason I knew her father’s drink. The connection. The guns.

Her brother.

I start piling clothes onto the bed while I’m talking, ready to throw some of her things in a bag and head straight to the airport. I have to get her out of here.

When I’ve finished the story, her face is white. I sit her down on the edge of the bed, kneeling in front of her, my hands on her thighs, trying to keep her eyes with me.

“Cee…that was another time. Another life.”

Her eyes settle on me but they are flat, lifeless. “No.”

The sting of that single word hits me and knocks the breath from my lungs.

“Little bird. That’s not who I am now. You see me, don’t you? You see me.”

“I hear what you’re saying, Thorne. I know you’re not that person anymore. Whatever you’ve done in the past, that doesn’t matter, I forgive you. But I don’t think we can ignore this. Don’t you think it’s a message? I hear it, the universe I mean. It’s speaking to me.” She cups a hand to her ear and tips her head. “CeeCee, you’re an idiot and never learn.”

Just then, there’s a slam from the door of the bedroom. I’m on the run before whoever it is comes through the door, but there’s three of them on me before I can swing.

It’s on. I’d hoped we could get away before they caught onto us, but that’s not going to happen. Out of the corner of my eye I see two women come in and clamp CeeCee’s arms by her sides, dragging her across the floor to the door.

One fucker has me around the neck and another is lining up to punch my face. They’ve got guns, but they don’t seem keen to use them. They should though because that’s the only advantage I need. I hitch my head forward and slam it back, listening to the scream and the crunch of bone as the back of my cranium implodes the nose of the asshole behind. From there, it’s a kick to the gut of the second guy and before he can stand, I slam my fist in the throat of number three, dropping him like a lead weight before he can get close.

Number two thinks he’s got more for me and swings a foot, trying to take me out from below. It might have worked, too, except CeeCee’s screams as she’s dragged from the room draw my attention in his direction and I slam two fists into his gut oneafter the other, then a knee crushes his jaw. Number two hits the floor next to his buddies, but I’m not done.

I’m all over those fucks, confiscating their weapons before they get a second chance at me. Before I count to three I have two solid grips of steel in my hands. I may clean up nice and wear fancy suits, but I have the heart of a lion. I can channel my inner beast and these fucks have no idea just what I’d do to keep CeeCee and our family safe.

Protect at all costs.

This place is a labyrinth, but I hear her muffled screams as I hit the stairs. My senses are on point, and it’s easy pickings when I see the black SUV though the windows screeching to a halt at the back of the house.

That fuck is going to take her and dissect her. His own fucking daughter.

I bolt through the kitchen and out the back door as three of them are shoving her into the back of the vehicle. On my way, I take note of the medical stickers on the coolers some asshole is carrying down a hall.

Arms straight. Guns aimed. There is no shake. No quiver. I’m dead aim and the driver raises his hands.

“CeeCee. I’m here.” First and foremost, she needs to know I’m coming for her. The two women that took her out are gone and I find her with two thugs that now have her by the arms eye me with a moment of skepticism. They’re wondering if they can they take me, but I can answer that for them. I smile back. “I can hit an ant’s balls from here. Don’t fucking think I won’t.” My voice is dead calm. Almost friendly. I feel the shift in their manner. I swore I would never pick up a gun again. But some vows are made to be broken.

“Cee…stand right there. You two fucks, if you want your balls to stay attached, back the fuck off. Turn around and run that direction until you hit the fucking water. Then start swimming.”

They glance at each other, and I see their minds working. I’m just getting ready to fire a warning shot when they drop CeeCee’s arms and take off. Stepping in and holding her steady, I turn to the driver. “Get the fuck out and follow them if you have even an ounce of sense.”

He’s on their tail without another word and I stuff the guns into the back of my jeans. I don’t need them anymore. Our bags are upstairs in her room, but I’ve got my wallet so we’re good. No way I’m spending another second in this mad house.

“Fuck, baby.” I draw her tight, her soft body shaking.

“What is going on?” She cries into my chest.

“Your dad’s a fucking asshole is what’s going on. Come on. We are not staying here one more second.” I walk her to the passenger side and lift her up and buckle her in. My whole world is in that seat and I need to get them both safely home. “Kiss me, baby girl. And don’t ever leave me again. I won’t wait a month to track your ass down next time. You’re mine. Always will be. I’m taking you home.”

I close the door and hop in the running SUV.

It’stwenty minutes to the airport, but we are there in ten. Two tickets purchased, next departure heading home and we are sitting in first class before she even has time to worry about what just happened.

“Why did you leave, CeeCee? The truth.”