I’m a filthy motherfucker when it comes to her.
“Stairs, turn right, end of the hall. Double doors.”
I take the steps two at a time even with her in my arms. Her grip on me tightens but she has no idea how safe she is. I’d die before I’d drop her.
Inside the bedroom I turn and kick the door shut.
“I’m a closet princess,” she giggles in my ear, but it’s an apt description of her room.
“Wow.” I take a quick glance around. Fucking her in a room that’s bathed in pink and covered in ruffles almost turns me on more. If that’s even possible. “You really are my baby girl, aren’t you?”
I walk us over to a bench at the end of the bed and lift her up and off me. Then I set her feet on the wooden surface and step back.
I stuff my hands down in my pockets as I let my eyes wander over her, starting at the top of her head and taking my time memorizing the way she looks at this moment. The sun streaming in the window highlights her left side, casting shadows that accentuate her curves.
Her eyes sparkle and her arms don’t seem to know what to do.
“What am I doing just standing here?” she asks after a long minute of me admiring her. Regarding her. Reveling in her. She’s so intoxicating. She’s my addiction. I have no doubt I’ll never get enough.
“You are pleasing me.”
“But…” She fidgets with the bottom of her sweater. Then one hand goes to the tiny gold crucifix around her neck. She starts zipping it back and forth on the chain. “I’m just standing here.”
“You don’t need to do anything more than that right now to please me, little bird. The last month almost killed me and I’m just soaking you in. I’m also planning all the things I’m going to do to you.”
There is a light pink that crawls up her chest, onto her neck. I think of the heat of her skin. How it would feel on my lips. The pride I feel swells inside of me knowing her blood is moving in this way because of me.
That is a stunning thought, isn’t it? That my presence can change the very flow of the blood in her body. I’m in awe.
“You amaze me,” I tell her and watch the disbelief grow in her eyes.
I close the space between us. A long, low sigh rumbles from my chest as my hands go to her hips. My head tips back and forth as I look at her from different angles, my mouth watering and my imagination running wild. “I’m going to love you until it hurts. You know that, don’t you, Cee? Are you ready for that? For me?”
The doubt on her face turns to desire. I watch the change in her demeanor. There is a tigress in there and I intend to unleash it and never tame it.
“I’m right here. I’m not running anymore.”
Her hands go to her sweater and she begins to unbutton it from the top.
The first button comes undone.
The second.
The third.
Without being asked, she’s giving herself to me, and that is another in a long list of the most beautiful moments of our life together.
“Breathe, baby girl.”I stroke her slowly as her body shakes and keens under me.
There is a beauty in every sunrise.
But this morning, it holds no sway.
In my arms is the sun, the moon and the stars.