Page 208 of Felonies are Forever

“She is perfect.” Layla’s face is flushes, her hair a beautiful mess around her face but she’s never looked more beautiful.

She settles Penny into the crook of her arm as I pull the covers up and over her bare breasts. It’s chilly in here, and I don’t want her feeling anything but warmth and comfort right now.

“How women do this, I’ll never know.” I slide into the bed next to her, kissing her temple as she leans her head into my shoulder.

“We’re tougher than men,” she answers on a giggle. “That’s not true, but right now, I gotta say it feels true.”

“You were a champ, baby. I’ve never been more proud.”

“Thank you, Daddy,” she says softly, running her finger down Penny’s tiny nose. “You did your part too, you know. I mean, this morning you said you were going to fuck the baby out of me, and well…you sort of did.”

“That wasn’t hard. You said you wanted the baby out, so I figured the only thing I knew to do was hit you hard. Old wives’ tale maybe, but a good few orgasms can bring on labor they say.”

“Well, you brought it on all right.” Layla giggles. “Doggie style for the win.”

I trace my fingers over Penny’s soft forehead, wondering how a fuck like me made something so miraculous.

Arianna had a boy last week and I thought becoming a grandpa was the pinnacle of my life.

It was, it is, but this?

Fuck. Nothing comes close to what I’m feeling right now.

“I hope I’m a good dad.”

“You are a good dad. You’re a great Daddy too. And a great husband.”

The last nine months have been the best of my life. Arianna and Jack moved to Cherry Falls three months ago when he got an offer with the Cherry Falls fire department. We’d been working on it behind the scenes, trying to put it all into place.

We wanted the girls together and well, it’s a bit of a mixed-up complicated set of relationships, but we’re more than family and being apart just didn’t feel right.

Layla’s body shifted as the months went by. She no longer thinks food is her enemy and has taken to working her way through every cookbook she can get her hands on.

TutuDanceFighter is on sabbatical and its future is up in the air. Layla loves to dance, and loves her martial arts bend to it, but as her pregnancy progressed it became more of a lifestyle sort of blog, or whatever it’s called.

Our relationship and her pregnancy seems to captivate her fans and after I got over my initial trepidation about being involved in her content, I gotta say, it can be fun. I do my best to give her the freedom she dreamed of, but I’m always there. In the background, watching. No one is ever going to bring her pain or harm. Not as long as I’m on duty.

Whatever she wants to achieve in life, I’ll be by her side, cheering her on.

The fucker that was stalking her went down for what he did. He’ll be gone for a few years at least, but when he’s released, I’ll be keeping a very fucking close eye on him. Whatever it takes to keep my family safe, I’ll do. No fear. Nothing off limits.

Arianna is going to finish her degree and is talking about starting her own forensic data analysis company so she can work from home and Carter can keep his position with the fire department.

My business is humming along. I’ve been handing over some of the responsibilities to a few of my longer-term staff, because I knew I’d barely be able to leave once the baby was born. I love my fucking wife, and I want to be with her 24/7 and now that Penny is here?

Fuck. I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to work.

I look over and see Layla’s eyes closed, Penny tucked into the crook of her arm and my chest swells with pride.

Who knew one chicken fight and a pair of best friends could lead to this?

I lean over and breathe deep, smelling the cherry scent of Layla’s hair, listening to her slow breathing as Penelope’s eyes flicker open.

They say babies can’t really see right after they’re born.

But the way Penny’s eyes lock with mine, her tiny lips curling upward, she may not see me clearly, but she feels me, and I feel her.

And all is right with the world.