Page 202 of Felonies are Forever

I’m wearing a new suit he bought me yesterday. One of seven because he made me try them all on in the store and he loved them all. This one is lime green with pink lace around the edges. It’s barely big enough to cover my nipples and my rear end.

“Here.” He hands me a little wraparound cover-up he also bought for me, because I’ve come to realize he’s none too fond of any other males looking at what belongs to him.

I put on the white gauzy dress, tying it behind my neck as Jack picks up a bottle and steps toward me, squirting a little of the white cream onto his fingers.

“Your nose is getting red.” He reaches down and dabs the sunscreen on, rubbing it in with his calloused fingers as gently as he can.

“You already put cream on my face earlier.” I grin, reaching out and cupping his thick cock, feeling it harden under his shorts. “I like your special cream better.”

The scent of coconut and the lake breeze mixes with the scent of our sex and I can’t believe how happy I am. I’ve barely thought of anything outside of Jack, the marina and how our lives seem to be intertwining perfectly. He’s even filmed one ofmy #TutuDanceFighter videos for me, then got a huge kick out of me posting it and then watching all the fun comments.

There were some comments that were less than kind, as there are trolls everywhere. Jack took over, typing out scathing replies from his newly-created personal TikTok account which I set up for him.


It makes me shiver thinking of it. Soon our little bubble of private happiness is going to burst because Carter messaged early this morning saying he was heading back for a visit. He said he was going to pick up Arianna as well; they both have an unexpected day and a night off and wanted to spend it here with us before Carter and I have to leave to go home in a couple more days.

Jack told me in no uncertain terms, I’m not leaving him. So the dark cloud of what looms is hovering, and I can’t imagine having to choose between my best friend, my brother and my Daddy.

My skin tingles as Jack steps away, the sun shining on his back, his thick body so sexy to me as he turns to see me staring.

“Getting an eyeful?” he asks as I swallow, the outline of his cock pressing all the way up to the button on his khaki shorts.

I shiver, he can practically make me come with just a look or the sound of his voice. Not to mention the spankings. The first time he turned me over his knee two nights ago, I kicked and fussed like a toddler, but when the first smack hit?

Holy mother of pearl.

I gushed all over his thighs and he gave me the biggest orgasm of my life, spanking my ass cheeks with one hand while finger fucking my pussy with the other. Life is good on Daddy island, and I never want to be rescued.

“So, what do you want to do?” he asks as he organizes some of the ropes and hangs them on the cleats.

“I’m sort of hungry.”

He raises his eyebrows. “I’m always hungry.” His voice rumbles as he licks his lips.

“For food, Daddy.”

“Oh, sure. I’ll get you some fruit, you can eat that while I eat you. Then, I’ll fill you with a little more cream.”

I gush between my legs as he heads down into the galley. He’s probably delivered what feels like gallons of his cum into me over the last four days, and something tells me he’s achieved his goal of planting himself inside me. My hands drift to my tummy. He’s also been feeding me so much, the softness there is growing and I have to say, I like how it looks.

And feels.

An hourlater my stomach and my pussy are once again pleasantly full. My face is flushed from the orgasms and I can’t believe how easily he is able to make me come.

Jack pops his head out of the lower deck. “I gotta take care of some paperwork in the office. You wanna come or wait here?”

I’m feeling so lazy, and as much as I want to be with him every minute, I wonder if sometimes I’m a bit of a clinging vine.

“You go ahead. I’ll wait here.”

He hops up and onto the deck, giving me a little swat on the side of my ass along with a kiss and swipe of his tongue. “Good girl. I’ll be back soon.”

I watch him walk down the dock in his wrinkly white oxford and worn khaki cargo shorts. A small group of girls pass him, waving and greeting him as they walk down the dock, then see me sitting on the side of the sailboat.

“Layla?” One of them, a California-looking blonde I remember named Willow, raises her hand to shield her eyes from the sun. “Hi! Where’s Arianna? Did she go away to that camp thing?”

“She did. I’m staying with Jack for a few days while my brother is in Bend doing a fire training thing.”