And the Oscar goes to….

As soon as the knob clicks, door slams open, catching me in the shoulder and knocking me nearly off my feet.

“Who the fuck are you?”

A man with eyes that remind me of a caged animal steps through the door and slams it behind him, stalking forward, forcing me back. My heart races and my arms wrap around my center.

“I’m…” I don’t bother finishing because I suddenly realize I don’t need to tell him who the fuck I am. “Who the hell are you?”

He’s wearing just a t-shirt and a pair of stiff, green work pants. Unlaced boots drag on the cement floor with each step as his head swings wildly back and forth.

“Thorne, you pussy! Can’t return my calls, so I came to you!” he yells and I’m not sure he even remembers I am here. He’s snapping his fingers. Over and over as they hang down at his sides. His steps are solid and seem to be made with more effort than is necessary to move around in here.

I look at the open door, then roll my eyes at myself. For a second, I still think about the flower delivery. By now, I figure the flowers aren’t coming and maybe I’d be better off on the opposite side of that door than in here with this twitchy fella.

A lump lodges in my throat as I inch toward the door. I’m surprised I can get my feet to move at all as waves of heat and fear bombard me. I have no purse, no money on me, and I’m not wearing any shoes, but even weighing all those unfortunate elements, staying inside here with whomever this gentleman caller may be, leaving still wins by a mile.

“Hey!” he shouts as my hand grips the handle of the door. I don’t turn around, I turn the knob and jerk open the door, hoping to get out there before he can stop me.

Boot steps thunder behind me and before I can squeeze out of the loft a flat hand slaps the door and it slams shut.

I don’t wait for his next move. I just duck under his arm and move toward the kitchen thinking of where I left my stupid phone.

“You Thorne’s squeeze of the day?” The man catches me by the wrist, jerking me back.

“Don’t fucking touch me asshole.” I may be sugary sweet on the outside but I can take care of my business.

I tug my arm but he only tightens his grip. When that doesn’t work I try to stomp on his foot. I wish I’d picked a pair of the four inch heels in the closet instead of slipping on my usual canvas flats.

His face is twitching and he’s blinking his eyes ninety going south. Drugs have not been a part of my life per se, but I’m worldly enough to know when someone is substance impaired. His eyes are nearly black, the pupils so huge and his eyelids keep drooping then snapping open.

“I’ll fucking touch you.” He smiles and it turns my stomach. There’s no humor in it, it’s a threat. “Thorne likes to share. He and I go way back. Surprised he didn’t tell me about you. You’re a little higher end that he usually likes. Bet you taste good. You look fresh. The fresh ones always do.”

His hand is cold but slick with sweat and I jerk and pull until my wrist slips from his fingers. I tumble forward from the momentum and smack the side of my ribs into the edge of the counter, knocking a Red Velvet Cream Cheese donut off the pile.

It rolls down and off the edge, hitting the floor with a very final sounding thump. I shuffle around, keeping away from him as I look for an opportunity to run.

“Babe. Thorne and I are good friends. You don’t need be scared of me. I’ll be good to you. Better than him. That’s what they usually say when we share.” He purses his lips and makes a sick kissing noise.

“God, you’re an asshole, you know that? I’m sure you do, but figure you need a reminder.” I’m poking the bear, but I can’t help myself sometimes. “And you smell like one too.” I know that was the wrong move when he loses his grin and his head twitches back and forth.

He steps up his pace toward me, but I spot my purse on the counter next to the refrigerator.

Only the best of book boyfriends make you fried eggs at midnight, by the way, and only the very best do so after leaving you in a puddle of rapid fire orgasms.

I calculate, shift my body left and he counters right. I try it again, taking two side steps the other way and he follows. Dumb ass.

“Okay, okay, okay. So…” I slap my hands down on the counter and give him a look. He’s surprised by the talk, shocked out of his senses a little, but I use it to my advantage. “So, if I’m understanding you correctly, you and Thorne are close friends?”

“Very close.” He sucks his teeth and smacks his lips together, but he stays put so I play on.

“And, you tend to have the same taste in female companionship?”

He tips his head back and forth before answering. “Er… So to speak. Ya.”

“Got it.” I slip my foot to the left.

I’m playing it cool, but I’m far from it.