“Goodgirl. Now, open up, Daddy’s in a mood.”
Twelve yearslater
The fairy lightson the fourteen foot pine in the living room light up the massive space at our vacation home in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan, casting a warm glow that catches me in a sudden sigh as I think about how far we’ve come.
I bought the place five years ago, along with two hundred acres as a Christmas gift to the family.
The kids are all passed out, draped over the floor and furniture around the room as Holly fusses in the kitchen with her mom—now my mother in law—and Martin, now my father in law.
Fuck, life is strange.
They are cleaning up from the massive Christmas dinner we all just devoured, as I sit on the sofa with two sleeping babies, one in the crook of each arm.
We have seven now, all together. The last, a set of twins which are about to kill me, but somehow Holly keeps it all together and makes motherhood look easy.
She took the girls to the bedroom and nursed them while I settled the other five down around the living room. By rights, they should be in their own beds, but how could I say no when they begged to have a blanket fort camp so they could sleep next to the tree and all their presents?
“You okay in there?” Holly’s soft voice calls and I nod.
“It’s fine. I’m pinned.”
She giggles. “Yes, I can see. Two vicious predators keeping you stuck there on the soft sofa with your eyes half closed in front of the warm fire.”
“Yep. I’m taking one for the team.”
Martin and I have expanded our business and it’s taken off more than we could have ever imagined. We have started specializing in senior care facilities, as well as addiction rehabs, and although we are busy we’re making more money than we know how to spend.
Holly’s mom spent four months in rehab and sober living before returning home and blossoming into a person Holly hardly recognized.
She made amends for her years of selfish behavior, but also recognized her disease and has stayed on track with her program, along with the dedication and help from Martin.
It’s been an odd situation having her mother and Martin getting back together, but in some ways it feels like the circle is complete.
I hear the barking at the door and Holly steps over to let in our band of four-legged children. There are six in all now,ranging from a Chihuahua to a Great Dane and to say our life is a joyful chaos is putting it mildly.
She comes over to where I’m sitting, leaning down and kissing the girls on their heads before setting her cherry lips on mine for a deeper, slower kiss.
I moan a little and she pulls back, and I lose myself in her brown eyes for a moment, seeing that first time we were really together like it was just yesterday.
She’s fuller now, more womanly, and I want her still more every day.
“Anything I can get for you, Daddy?” She keeps her voice low and I shake my head.
“Just you. When you guys are done. I need you, baby.”
“I need you too, Daddy.” She smiles and it lights up my heart. “They are heading to bed in a few minutes. We’ll get the babies settled, then I’ll take good care of you and your cock.”
“That’s my girl.” She walks away and I watch, her ass swaying under her skirt as she goes, wondering if my desire for her will ever lessen.
I joke with her often that I’m going to be a hundred and she’s going to be eighty, and we’re still going to be out-fucking the twenty year-olds.