Page 174 of Felonies are Forever

“Your choice.”

“Well.” I start. “We planned on spending this evening at your house.” I nod toward Martin. “Holly and I have some shopping to do, so if the invitation is still open we’ll meet you there as we planned around seven. Sound good?”

I look at my friend, whose face is tight, but he nods. “Seven it is. This is going to take some time, you know.” He adds and I nod.

“I know it will. But you’ll see, it’s the real deal, man. I’m sorry, if I were in your shoes, I’d want to kill me too, I get it. But just trust me. I’ll treat her right. Nothing and no one will ever hurt her.”

“Good. Because if you ever hurt her, I’m coming for you.” Martin jabs a finger toward me.

“I’d expect nothing less.”

“Okay you two.” Holly interjects. “That’s enough. Everyone take a deep breath, we’ll go shopping, we’ll see you later.” She looks at her dad, then at her mom who is looking at her manicure. “Mom, we will stop by in the morning for Christmas breakfast if we are welcome. If not, that’s your choice.”

Her mom rolls her eyes and spits the words at Holly. “I’m not cooking.”

I deal with that, looking around the house with a practically bare Christmas tree shoved in a corner and no other decorations anywhere. The place is a mess and smells like a bar.

“Here’s what we’re going to do. Christmas morning is at my house. I’ll cook breakfast. Holly will be staying with me from now on, so it’s going to be our house.” I take her hand and pull her to the frond door, ready to be done with this for now. “I hope we’ll see you there. Ten AM.”

With that, I pull her out the door and down the steps to the car. Inside, I look over and see her staring at me.

“Well.” She says, that crooked smile curving her luscious lips upward.

“Well.” I repeat. “That went well. I’m proud as hell of you.”

She giggles and reaches over and touches my face. “I have one request.”

“What’s that?”

“When we’re out today, you need to buy yourself a Santa suit.”

“Oh yeah?”

Her cheeks turn bright red. “I didn’t think I was a kinky girl, but I gotta say, I think I’ve got a Santa kink because all I can think about is having you slip into the bedroom tonight and fuck me like the naughty girl I am.”

I take her hand from my cheek and kiss the palm. “Get those sugarplums ready, baby, Santa’s got a brand new bag.”




The snow is pilingup on all the tree branches outside the bedroom window as I lay back against Cole’s chest, still panting.

“Wow.” I manage as Cole’s heartbeat pulses against my back, his hands wrapped around me, one on my breast the other on my belly. He’s still wearing the Santa’s coat, open down the front, and is naked from the waist down.

“I think I fucked an elf into you that time, Candy Cane.” He kisses the side of my head as I extend my arm, looking at the massive diamond ring he slipped on my finger about an hour ago.

“I think so too.” His cum is slick between my legs as the warmth of the day and evening dance around in my memory. “It was the best Christmas ever.”

“The first of a lifetime.” He answers. “I want to get married right away. I want you to be my wife.”

I nod. “I only want a small ceremony. Nothing too over the top. Just us, Mom, Dad…if they want to come.”

“I’m sure they will, baby. We had a good morning with your mom and your dad. Last night at his place was a little tense at first, but once he saw us together, I think he started to accept it all. You inviting him over today for breakfast was great as well. I know your mom only stayed an hour, but sometimes things aren’t ideal with parents. We will do what we can to keep things polite and the rest is up to her.”

“I know. I’m fine with it all to be honest. Time will work it all out. What I want to know is, when the heck did you have time to go shopping for an engagement ring? We were together since the party.”