Page 173 of Felonies are Forever

My mother keeps going on about being responsible while Amanda is twisting the knife, backing her up and sitting there looking like she’s in the middle of a circus.

My dad and Cole’s voices rise and I snap.

“EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!” I scream, my hands on the sides of my head like a crazy person and like a little bit of Christmas magic, they all fall silent.




Holly first points at Amanda.“Amanda, get out of this house. You don’t live here, you’re not my friend and you never ever will be.” Holly steps toward Amanda and to my surprise she actually stands from her seat and takes a step back.

Then she smirks. “Psycho bitch. It’s not your house, it’s your mom’s.”

But she’s clearly not expecting the slap. It comes so fast, I don’t think anyone sees Holly’s arm move. She clips her good, and Amanda’s eyes go wide. “I said, get out. I don’t know what sort of burr you’ve had under your saddle for me all these years but I’m D.O.N.E. being your punching bag. GET. OUT.” Holly jabs her finger at the door and Amanda gives her a dirty look but doesn’t speak.

The silence is so crisp, I’m surprised it doesn’t crunch like snow under Amanda’s stiletto heels as she makes her way through the door, swearing as she goes out into the street.

But Holly isn’t done and it takes a lot of willpower not to slow clap in encouragement.

“Mom, I love you, but you need to respect me. And you need to have more respect for yourself. I’ve already given you money for rent and bills since I moved home, so unless you can give me an actual reason why you need the money I earned, I’m going to need it back.” She stands up straighter, raising her chin as she holds out her hand, palm up, waiting.

“Okay, you’re obviously upset, maybe we just need to—”

“The money, Mom. Now.”

Her mother nods, her face falling as she hands over the wad of cash.

“Good. Clean yourself up. Clean this place up, too, it’s disgusting.”

“Hey, now hold on a minute,” Martin starts, but falls instantly silent when Holly’s gaze turns on him.

I step forward, going to her side, and wrap an arm around her shoulders. She softens against me, but doesn’t take her eyes from her father.

“Dad, you need to be quiet for a second and just listen to me. I’m not a little girl anymore. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I love you. But, you can’t protect me from the entire world, and you don’t need to protect me from Cole. This is what I want, and you’re going to have to accept that.”

Martin growls, fixing his gaze on me. “And if I can’t?”

Holly draws a deep breath, and for a moment I think she’s going to back down, then she sighs. “That’s your choice. I’m not responsible for your choices. I’m responsible for mine, and I choose to be with Cole. If you can’t live with that, then as much as I hate it, I’ll accept it as your choice and I’ll always hope you’ll change your mind.”

Martin opens his mouth to speak, then closes it again.

“Hey, look man,” I say, for the first time in my life feeling like I need to say something rather than just grunt. “This isn’t just a fling. It’s been a long time coming. I love Holly. I’m going to take care of her.”

He lets out a breath through his nose, then addresses his daughter, and I can’t say I blame him for being mad at me. “And how do you feel about him?”

She shrugs. “I feel the same. I’ve felt the same since I first met him, I just never thought I’d stand a chance until last night.”

Martin sets his jaw so firm I think he might crack his teeth, and I see the expressions cross his face as he processes what he’s just been told. I see anger, frustration, even a little fear, but then he nods. “You’re right, I can’t protect you from everything in the world.” His gaze settles on me again. “Be that as it may, Cole, if you hurt my little girl I’ll—”

“I never will,” I say, shaking my head.

He narrows his eyes, but there’s a small amount of respect in them. “Fair enough. I guess we all need to sit down, together, and talk this through.” He sighs. “Like adults. Sorry, Holly, I guess I’ve still been treating you like a child.”

“Thank you,” she says, and in an instant she becomes the same girl I fell for, soft and easy going. “It’s Christmas Eve and I plan on having the best Christmas ever. I hope you’ll both be able to be a part of it, because Cole will be.”

Her mother huffs, looking defeated but defiant. “I’ve got plans.” She snaps and Holly shrugs.