I’m not angry but I need her and she knows it. There is no fear in her face. Her hand stalls, nervous, and I growl in response.
“Lower. Don’t make me wait, CeeCee. Do I look like a man who likes to wait when I know what I want, little bird?” My voice softens as she complies, a slight arch twisting her body, her head pushing back into the pillow, and now I know the essence of true beauty.
Even my skin comes alive as I watch her fingers dance lower, her knuckles pushing out on the fabric as they curve and sink into her pussy. I’m jealous.
Standing here I envy every living creature that’s had the gift of being near her up until today. All the parts of her precious life I’ve missed haunt me.
I would die for her.
No question.
Fuck yes.
But I’ll ride the crazy train wherever this takes us if it means I’m next to her.
“What do you feel?” I’m standing at the edge of the bed, looking down at the cascade of her dark hair behind her head. The dark nipples that pull together as she touches herself at my command.
“Soft. Wet…”
“How wet?” I swallow hard, thinking of how she’s going to taste. How I can keep her here forever because she belongs to me already. Mine to do with as I please, when I please and for as long as I please.
“Very.” Her voice softens to barely above a whisper and her eyes drop to half-mast.
“I’m about to shove my tongue inside that cunt, CeeCee. You’re going to cum on my face, aren’t you, little bird? Give me every drop because it’s mine, isn’t it?”
She answers with a moan and an arch of her back. I reach down, rip the panties down and off her legs before she can take her hand out.
I’m stripping myself from the waist down, unbuckling my belt, throwing clothes across the room until I’m naked. My dick so thick with blood, the skin primed to split open.
I slap her knees apart.
“Keep them open. You don’t keep what’s mine from me. You won’t keep it from my eyes, my mouth, my fingers, my dick...Never keep yourself from me, Cee.” I growl and grab her under her arms, lifting and moving her as I see fit until she is centered on the bed. Laid out as my own offering.
“Sorry?” She chirps with a wry grin. If she only knew how I fall harder for her with every little smart-ass comment. I imagineone day she will be over my knee with a ripe red ass because of it, and I can’t fucking wait for that day.
“You will be sorry. I’m going to feast on you.” I grunt as I crawl between her legs, moving my arms up until they are on either side of her shoulders and my mouth comes down to bite into her neck. Then I release, leaving her holding a breath. “There is not a part of you that will not be tasted, touched and fucked by me. Inside and out. I want it all. I’ll accept nothing less.”
In the chaos of my mind, her moan cuts through as she turns her head and offers her neck to me. I take what she offers, biting harder this time, listening to her whimpers of distress as they throw fuel on the fire that is quickly consuming me. The desire I feel is not just for sex, it’s for power
“Wait…” Her voice catches.
I lift up to look into the lust-filled, green eyes. “You know I won’t stop, don’t you, Cee?”
I see the wheels turning in her head. She thinks too much and I need to turn that off. My mouth claims her, but not just a kiss; I thrust my tongue deep, filling her mouth until I feel her body shift and melt under me.
Her moans and whimpers feed the animal. My teeth scrape down her neck, over the bump of her collarbone and I follow the flat of her breastbone with my tongue. She’s writhing under me and her hands come to rest on my shoulders. That simple act of submission is better than anything I could imagine.
I fill my mouth with her softness, pulling the skin of her breast into my mouth in a hard suck. When I release it, I can already see the beginning of the purple mark that will soon appear there.
I move back and forth, leaving marks on marks as she begins to shiver, her fingers now at the back of my neck, pulling me intoher as I devour her with a lust so dark and strong I’m not sure I won’t hurt her.
I reach down and cup her pussy, my middle finger slipping just inside, and the heat hits me like a punch to the gut.
“You’re on fucking fire, Cee.” I move my finger and puffs of sweet breath come from her lips. She’s drenched, the thick liquid streaming down my fingers as I bring them to my mouth and suck the first of her flavor off of them.
My eyes close, my heart stops, cum streams out of my painful erection and I freeze this moment in my mind.