All the while I spat out that rushed explanation, he tried to splutter and cut in. “What?” he demanded, incredulous after I stopped to draw in a breath.
I didn’t have time to check what he’d heard. “Get to Oleg’s room now. It needs to be cleaned up.”
“Wait. What? Where— How— Where are you going? Just wait there for my men. Why were you there at all?”
“Get to his room now,” I said again, then hung up. I couldn’t answer his questions. Not until I knew that Sonya and our baby were okay.
The elevator arrived on the fourth floor and I carried Sonya off. My initial conversation with the first nurse we found wasn’t smooth. I was panicky, but I was direct, impatient, and stern that Sonya be seen. Led to a room, I laid her down and stepped back so she could be assessed.
“Help my wife,” I said.
Sonya shot me a look, but I ignored it. If she was nervous about her return, then she could “hide” as my wife. Plus, she couldn’t give her name just yet. She’d been missing for eleven years, and I didn’t want her personal details shared to the point it could cause an issue. Without a driver’s license or insurance or money, she’d stand out. She had nothing—except me, and I had faith she’d play along with my spontaneous lie.
Watching over the nurses and the doctor as they assessed Sonya, I stepped further from the bed and worried. It wasn’t much blood, but with my limited knowledge about pregnancies, I feared any blood had to be a bad sign. I didn’t know what they could be finding, but I wouldn’t leave. So far, I had been her only help. She was so independent, running on her own, but now that she had opened up to trust me, I found that I couldn’t let anyone else handle her security or comfort.
While I stayed in the background of her room, telling one nurse my personal info for them to admit her here as “my wife”, my phone buzzed. And buzzed.
Lev. And Vik. The Baranov men were relentless in wanting answers. They were no doubt rushing here to handle the situation in Oleg’s room. Each time my phone buzzed and I glanced at the screen, I caught Sonya watching me, still worried.
Stop it. Focus on yourself. And the baby.I could run interference, and I did. Each time the doctor or nurse commented that Sonya was stable, I could relax and text back Lev that I’d be there soon to help. All while they hooked Sonya up to monitors, then did an ultrasound on the baby, I did my best to pay attention and also relay the Baranovs’ concerns.
“Almost four months,” the ultrasound technician reported as she moved the gel-covered wand over Sonya’s belly. “And measuring just fine.”
The fast thumps of a heartbeat filled the air. In that precious moment of time, hearing our child’s heart for the first time, Sonya and I looked at each other and smiled.
That’s it. That’s my son or daughter.
I still couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that I would be a father! I’d be in charge of protecting this sweet baby for the rest of his or her life. And I couldn’t wait. I’d already started worrying about Sonya while she carried our child. From the bottom of my heart, I knew I would worry about our baby until my last breath.
Was that what it meant to embrace parenthood? It was happening suddenly for me, but I wouldn’t fight it. This felt like the sign I had been waiting for, the catalyst to settling down and being a solitary loner. And I welcomed the thrill of it.
Lev called, again and again, and Sonya couldn’t act like she didn’t notice.
“Go on.” She nodded once as they continued to check the baby.
I shook my head.
“Go see and come back,” she added, furrowing her brow as if she wondered if I’d listen.
I sighed, hating to be torn away from her.
“But please…” She licked her lips, glancing at the technician.
The young woman smiled politely. “You know what? I need more gel.” She held up the gel container as she placed the ultrasound wand aside on the cart she’d wheeled in. She’d guessed that Sonya and I needed to speak privately. “I’ll be right back.”
As soon as she was gone, Sonya cleared her throat. “Just please don’t tell them about me yet. I want to be reunited with them all, but I’m cautious. With two attempts on Oleg’s life, everything is chaotic at the moment. I think they’re saying the baby is okay and I’m okay, but I’m nervous about spotting and just—” She exhaled a deep whoosh of a breath.
“I hear you.” I leaned in to kiss her brow.
“I mean, that’s our baby.” She smiled, in awe, at the steady heartbeat. “I want to be able to bring him or her into this world safely.”
“Me too.”
“And I’m just not ready for them to know I’m alive and here and having your baby and?—”
I chuckled, kissing her again. “I get it.” And I did. Itwasa handful.
“I’m just worried about too many people knowing where I am yet. I want control over my return.”