“And I’ll kill that man.” I nodded, letting my anger fuel me to keep moving.
“One day, I’ll find you a daddy, but it will be a man I choose, little one.” My whispered promises wouldn’t be broken, but as I muttered the vows, I wished I didn’t have to choose a man. I wished that Ben, the sexy stranger who’d taken my virginity, could be with me again.
I couldn’t explain it, how deeply he’d impacted me, but he had. Yes, he was my first, and I supposed everyone remembered their first. It was something deeper, though, something profound that made me miss my one-time lover from that bar. But it was stupid to get my hopes up that high and fantasize about seeing him again.
The next day, after sleeping in the woods under an old hunting stand, I walked the rest of the way into the city. As more sightsbecame familiar, I registered how details had changed in some places and how other landmarks remained exactly the same.
Rain stopped falling, and I could move faster. Ubers seemed to be another version of taxi, which were paid for through an app. I didn’t have a phone to pull that off, but I was glad an “old” taxi was waiting nearby as soon as I got into the city.
When I asked to be driven to the Baranov mansion, the driver laughed and kicked me out of the car.
“I ain’t stupid,” he growled. “That’s where the Mafia live.”
“No, it’s not?—”
He braked suddenly and got out of the driver’s seat to open the backdoor. “Out!”
For fuck’s sake.
He sped off as soon as I got out of the car, but I realized not all hope was lost. He’d stopped on the block of one of Eva’s favorite restaurants. Ever since she was a child, she’d loved this Italian place, and I prayed she might be near it today since it was evening time.
It felt like a long shot, but even if Eva wasn’t here, a place she used to request going to weekly for their house salad dressing that she swore no other chef could make the same, I would be able to contact someone at home. I was sure of it. They’d know and respect the Baranov name. I bet I could ask the manager to just make a call and that would be it.
Inside the glitzy foyer of the restaurant, though, I spotted her.
She was here.
Eva. My sweet baby sister, all grown up. Tears gathered at my eyes as I stared at her across the room. After all these years, I would finally be reunited. I’d be back with my family! At last!
Taller and slimmer, she was so pretty and healthy looking. No longer the little girl I recalled, she was a mature, lovely woman, apparently dining with a couple of other women at her table.
I watched her stand. Mesmerized and partly fearing my eyes were playing tricks on me, I tracked her movements as she backed away from the table. She turned, heading toward the side as though she wanted to leave.
“No. Wait.” I hurried forward, eager to catch her. “Eva!”
The hostess intervened immediately, stopping me from entering the dining room. “Excuse me.”
“Let me go!”
Her arm barricaded me from entering. Another employee came to her assistance in blocking me. “This is for guests only.”
“I’m—” I furrowed my brow, watching Eva head down the hallway, oblivious to the commotion I was causing at the entrance, too far away. “Eva! Wait! That’s my sister. That’s my—” I fought, shoving the restaurant employees back. Resisting their hold, I let my determination control me. “Let me go! I’m Sonya Bar— Let mego!”
More guests from the dining room turned, aware of my shouts as more security came closer. But I didn’t stop fighting to get free.
Especially not when the two women at Eva’s table turned to face me.
I gasped, stunned that a Petrov would be with her. “No!” Fighting harder, I broke away from the man and woman holding me back. They wouldn’t be stronger than this need to protect Eva. Full of rage that the enemy would be near my baby sister, I raced forward. I recalled that girl from all those years ago. She was a Petrov, no doubt about it. Her name didn’t matter. All Petrovs were enemies of the Baranovs. That couldn’t have changed since I was in captivity. That wouldn’t change in a million years.
“Eva!” I shouted it again as I ran toward the table. My sister had already walked away. But the Petrov stared at me defiantly, seated there like she had a right to be there. “You Petrov bitch. Stay away from her!”
Where are the guards? Why are they letting this Petrov near her?
“Hey. Stop!” Another woman, a short blonde at the table, stood and tried to step between me and the Petrov woman. “Get back.”
“Don’t you tell me to get back. I want her away from my sister!”
The blonde frowned. “What— Who—” She shook her head, confused yet still alarmed. “Your sister…”