Jack rubs the back of his neck. “I can understand why you thought it was a good idea. You were just trying to help, right? But I can also see why she might be upset. It’s her property. Even if your intentions were good, she probably feels like you took over.”
“That’s exactly what she said,” I admit. “And now, things are weird between us. I hate it.”
Jack studies me for a moment. “Have you talked to her since?”
“No, not really,” I say. “We had a blowout, and I walked away. I don’t know how to fix it.”
“Well,” Jack says, leaning against the wall, “You could start by apologizing. Not for helping, but for not including her in the process. Make it clear that you didn’t mean to undermine her, but you see now how it might have come across that way.”
I sigh. “Yeah, I guess I could have handled it better. But I just wanted to take something off her plate, you know? She’s been under so much pressure, and I thought I was doing the right thing.”
“I get it, man,” Jack says. “But Emily’s independent. She’s used to handling things on her own, and she’s proud of that. You have to respect that, even if you’re trying to lighten her load.”
I nod, letting Jack’s words sink in. “I didn’t think about it that way.”
“Look,” Jack says, “The fact that you care enough to want to help her shows a lot. But sometimes, helping means stepping back and letting her handle things her way.”
“You sound like a damn therapist,” I say, half-smiling.
Jack laughs. “Hey, you’re not the only one with problems. I had to learn that with Sarah. She doesn’t want me swooping in and fixing everything. She wants a partner.”
We step out of the office into the quiet street.
“What are you up to? Sarah’s going to visit her parents and I’m at loose ends,” Jack says.
I glance at my watch, “Sorry, can’t help. Emily and I going for lunch at my parents’ house.”
As I drive back home, I can’t help but replay Emily’s response from earlier. I texted her to let he know that I was meeting with Jack and would pick her up in time for lunch at my parents’ house.
Her response – okay.
No smiley face, no extra words, just a flat, one-word reply. It’s been eating at me ever since I got it.
I pull into the driveway and cut the engine, taking a moment before heading inside. I haven’t seen her all morning, and I’m not sure what to expect. Has she been busy? Upset?
When I walk through the front door, I find her in the living room, adjusting the strap of her handbag. She looks beautiful, like always, but there’s a slight tension in her shoulders, and she doesn’t meet my eyes right away.
“Hey,” I say, walking over to her. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” she says, giving me a small smile, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. “All set.”
Outside, I open the passenger door for her and she slides in, a whiff of her lavender scent teases my nostrils, making me want to reach for her.
I can’t stand this distance between us.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” I say when I enter the driver’s seat.
She turns to look at me.
Taking a deep breath, I continue. “I shouldn’t have made those decisions about your apartment without talking to you first,” I say. “I thought I was helping, but I can see now that I overstepped. I’m sorry, Emily.”
She blinks, surprised. “You really should have asked me. Those were huge decisions and I would have wanted to be a part of it. I don’t like being kept in the dark. We’re a team.”
“I know,” I say, fighting the urge to go into defensive mode. “I was wrong, and I’m sorry. I just wanted to make things easier for you.”
Emily sighs. “I know and I’m sorry I got so mad. We should have sat down and had a rational discussion.”
Relief surges through me.