I reach over to clap him on the shoulder. “Jack, that’s amazing, congratulations, man.”
“Thanks,” he says, beaming. “We’re both over the moon about it. She keeps asking when you’re going to come over for lunch or something. I’ve told her you’re a busy man, but she doesn’t let up.”
A pang of guilt comes over me. It’s been a while since I’ve made time to see Jack and Sarah outside of work or these bar nights. “I’ll come by soon. I promise.”
“You better,” he says, his tone mock-stern. “Because you’re going to be the godfather, and I suggest you start acting like one.”
For a moment, I’m at a loss for words. “Me? The godfather?”
Jack nods. “Yeah. I can’t think of anyone else I’d want. You’ve been like a brother to me for years, and I want our kid to have someone solid to look up to.”
I’m touched, more than I can put into words. I reach out, and we do a quick, firm handshake that says more than any words could. “I’m honored, Jack. Really.”
“Good,” he says, picking up his beer and lifting it in a toast. “To godfathers, babies, and brilliant, exasperating women.”
I laugh, clinking my glass against his. “To all of that. And to you, Dad.”
We stay in the bar for a couple of hours, then I head home.
I unlock the door and step into the house, the scent of home washing over me. Since Emily moved in, it feels more like home, and her feminine scents are everywhere.
Emily’s in the kitchen, leaning against the counter, sipping a cup of tea. She’s wearing one of those casual tank tops and shorts that make my dick stir. For a moment, I just stand there, taking her in before she notices me.
“Hey,” she says, smiling as she puts down her cup. “You’re back. How was dinner with Jack?”
I walk over and drop my keys on the counter, then lean against it, facing her. “It was good. Steak, beer, and a lot of catching up. He had some exciting news, actually.”
“Oh?” Her eyes light up with curiosity. “What’s that?”
“Jack and Sarah are expecting. Two months along.” I can’t help but smile as I say it. “He’s going to be a dad.”
She smiles. “That’s amazing. I’m so happy for them.”
“Yeah, and he asked me to be the godfather,” I add, trying to sound casual, but I can’t hide the pride that sneaks into my voice.
Emily steps closer. “I can’t think of anyone better for the job.”
Her words make me feel ten feet tall. There’s something about the way she looks at me, like she truly believes in me, that makes me want to pull her in and kiss her senseless.
I want to take her to bed and forget the world for a few hours, just us, tangled up in each other. But I remember the promise I made to myself earlier tonight. I need to do this right. I want to know her, truly know her, without rushing things.
“Thanks,” I say, my voice uneven.
“I’d love to meet Sarah, and see Jack again,” Emily says.
I blink, a little surprised. “Really?”
“Yeah, they sound wonderful, and they mean a lot to you,” she says, giving me that smile that makes my heart skip a beat. “I’d love to see that part of your life.”
“Okay,” I say, grinning. “I’ll make it happen. Sarah will be pleased, trust me.”
I step closer, my hand reaching out to brush a stray hair behind her ear. God, she’s so beautiful, and it’s taking every ounce of willpower not to just pull her into my arms.
I lean in and kiss her on the cheek, a slow, deliberate kiss, close to the corner of her mouth.
“Good night, Em,” I murmur against her skin before pulling back.
Her eyes search mine, a flicker of confusion in them. “Good night, Andrew.”