The way he tenses at certain sounds, the way he always seems so tightly wound, like he’s ready to spring into action at a moment’s notice.

I’ve heard about PTSD, read a few articles here and there, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s what this is.

My heart aches for him. He’s been trying to hide it, but it’s clear that whatever happened to him during his time in the military still haunts him.

Chapter 20: Andrew

“I never pegged you as the type to sneak out before your lover wakes up,” I tease Emily, a smirk playing on my lips as I watch her stir her coffee.

We’re having breakfast together in the kitchen, the first real breakfast we’ve shared in weeks. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee mingles with the aroma of eggs and toast.

Emily laughs. “Well, I’m full of surprises,” she says, arching an eyebrow at me. “But seriously, I didn’t want to wake you. You looked like you needed the sleep.”

She grows solemn and I tense, knowing she’s about to bring up what happened last night.

“Andrew, I think you need help. This is more than normal nightmares,” she says.

I’ve heard that before, from my mother specifically but coming from Emily, it knocks the air out of my lungs.

I set my coffee cup down, my jaw tightening. “I’m handling it,” I say, my voice flat, not meeting her eyes. “I don’t need help, Emily.”

She doesn’t back down, though. “You might think you are, but last night—”

I cut her off, not wanting to hear it. “I said I’m handling it,” I repeat, more forcefully this time. “I don’t need you trying to fix me. This is my business, and I’d prefer it if you didn’t interfere.”

The words come out harsher than I intended, but I don’t regret them. I see the flicker of surprise and hurt cross her face, but she quickly masks it, sipping her coffee to hide her reaction.

The lightness that was there a moment ago is gone, replaced by a tense silence.

“Fine,” Emily says quietly, setting her cup down. “I won’t interfere.”

A pang of guilt grips me, but I push it aside. This isn’t something I’m willing to discuss, not now, not with her.

“The cleaning company is coming later this morning,” I say, changing the subject. “They’ll be taking care of the whole house, so if you need them to focus on anything specific, let me know.”

She nods, her eyes guarded. “Okay. But don’t forget we’re meeting with the interior decorators for the hotel this afternoon. We need to finalize the design elements for the lobby and guest rooms.”

“Right,” I say, feeling relieved to be talking about work. “I’ll be there.”

“I’ll see you at the office,” she says, her voice polite.

“See you,” I reply, watching her walk out of the kitchen, shoulders stiff.

I know I’ve pushed her away, but it’s better this way. If she gets too close, she’ll see everything I’ve been trying to hide, and I’m not ready for that. Maybe I never will be.

A moment later, I hear Emily murmuring to Bear and Bruno, her voice soft and affectionate as she says goodbye to them. I can’t help but smile a little.

The dogs have taken to her, and I think they’d follow her anywhere if she let them.

I hear the front door close, and then the house is silent, just me and my thoughts.

I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts until I find Owen’s name. I hit call, and after a few rings, Owen answers.

“Hey, it’s Andrew Bennett, Emily’s husband” I say. “I’m calling about the apartment. I’d like to swing by and take a look at it myself if you’re available.”

“Of course, Mr. Bennett. I can meet you there in an hour,” Owen says.

“Perfect. I’ll see you then,” I say, ending the call.