“I’ll take that as a yes, and just so you’re aware you can’t buy me.”
Now she slams the door in my face. I hear an additional bang against it. I can’t help but smile as I walk back to the car. Now I have been officially knocked back, and as much as I don’t like it, it makes me want her more. She has just made herself a challenge and I don’t lose. I throw the boxes in the back seat and climb in next to them, as I sit, I notice that only the note has been opened, and the boxes remain sealed. Did she even consider looking at what’s inside, did she even consider me? I make a mental note that she’s not one to throw money at.
I tell the driver to take me back to the office, he responds with a nod and pulls away from her apartment. The bar opens at 8pm, it’s the only day that it’s an evening-only opening, itallows for clean-up, restocking, security meetings and any other business to take place undisturbed. The HR team and David knew I wouldn’t be present today, they think it’s because of the death of my grandfather, not that I was planning on placing Kelcie onto a table, pulling down her lace lingerie to her ankles and finally experiencing the taste of her sweet pussy. But that was swiftly taken away when she put me in my place. Which I will punish her for when I finally get my hands on her.
I need to keep my mind off her, so I walk into the bar, knowing she won’t be there. I don’t know the shift pattern, HR sort that, but now I feel an urge just to have a glance over it, so I know when to make myself present here. The bar is full, it’s obvious that the news has been announced, some will be here out of respect, others to confirm his death. I know that this is where the work begins. I was warned that when he passed there would be clients who assume that their debts would no longer stand. David also knew this which is why his team of Dave’s has recently expanded, and why there were meetings held with each member informing them that the debt will still be owed after he has gone. When each one left, my grandfather would turn to me and say the same sentence each time ‘keep an eye on them’. He questioned his ‘retirement’ every day until he spoke to his wife. They had something I had never seen before, she knew what he did, who he was, but never attempted to change him. There were times she would be angry and annoyed at him,but when the realisation hit him that it wasn’t because of what he did or who he was, but that she didn’t get any of his time. Not just dates and dinners out but just being with him. He made a promise that when they bought their home to never take his work there, that was their place, their sanctuary. So, he had things such as the TV installed in the office, so that when he knew he needed to work late, he would call her explain the situation and have her picked up so she could be with him should she want to.
She never said no, and she always turned up with food, early on it was takeout but as time went on when they were ‘trying to be better’ it was a home-cooked meal. He had the boardroom designed and incorporated on the first floor so when she was there no one else entered the office. The first time she fell asleep, he cuddled into her, and when they woke in the morning he arranged for the ‘hidden’ bathroom to be fitted. His love for her was unfathomable, as was hers for him. He questioned whether he deserved it every day, because of what he did. It wasn’t all ‘unregistered’ loans to get people’s businesses off the ground. After a fire in one of the public parks, he anonymously donated £300,000 to have it rebuilt. Only I knew about this, it was after he pulled me in as a partner so respecting the fact I was, he discussed it with me to gain my agreement before contributing.
He was a good man, he may have given the order for illegal and sometimes evil things to be done, but only when it was necessary, and he never hurt anyone himself. That’s where wediffer, I’m not averse to getting my hands dirty, but I respected the fact he was against me doing so.
The bar is usually empty by midnight on a Sunday, but I don’t expect that this evening, under the circumstances. I walk to my booth and a server brings my drink and places it down as I take a seat. Approaching other members’ tables, even just to greet each other isn’t a thing here, and right now I couldn’t be more grateful for that. Having to pretend that I am grieving, when I’m not, is something I would never be in the mood for. I sit and wait for the bar to empty and as I do it’s her I have on my mind. The last members have left by 2am, so I make my way out, so the bar staff can get cleaned up and finish. As I exit, Anders, my grandfather’s bodyguard is standing waiting, he stares at me. I forgot. He will now be guarding me. I never felt the need for a personal bodyguard, but it was a condition that my grandfather deemed non-negotiable. I think it was a mixture of ensuring I was looked after, and that Anders continued to have a job. I get into the back of the car and Anders follows, I direct the driver to take me back to my apartment, I still have the one I had when I worked on the rigs, I don’t need anything more.
“Boss,” Anders grumbles, and as I look over, he shakes his head. Knowing what he means, I redirect the driver to my grandfather’s place, now my place. It’s about half an hour’s drive, as we arrive, we pull down the driveway and I look up at the vast building, I never understood why he had a home this size.
It’s a detached home, with around half an acre of land, a double garage, and a cabin which is the security building. It has five bedrooms three of them with en-suites, and a large bathroom. Downstairs hosts an outstanding kitchen large enough to house a dining table even though there is a separate dining room, lounge, and reception room. The garden has stunning views, making it a place of serenity. I have been here before, numerous times, his wife would always insist I came for dinner every time she saw me, and I could never say no, but I have never stayed overnight before. The house is homely, and styled in a way that is supposed to make you feel like you have come home and can relax, I used to, but now it feels empty. I know I can’t sell the place, so I note that I need to change the interior and that the unused reception room will be made into an office space. There’s no reason I can’t bring work here.
The security cabin was adapted over the last twelve months to enable a 24-hour security guard. It houses a bedroom, bathroom, and kitchenette. All the things that you would expect in one of those small holiday ones. Anders took most of the overnight shifts the last six months, due to my grandfather’s preparations. I suspect that he will continue until things are back to business as usual.
As I walk into the house Anders goes to his cabin, I have a quick look around and choose a room that I am going to sleep in tonight. It’s one that clearly hasn’t been used in years. I walk into the en-suite and turn on the shower,the water is a calming sensation after today. I rest my arm against the wall, lean my head forward and the water hits the back of my head and neck. Kelcie appears in my mind, standing in her doorway, hard nipples poking under her t-shirt, my dick comes to life. Just as I grab the base of my shaft, I hear Anders shout ‘Boss’.
“I’ll be a minute,” I return frustrated. He’s a stealthy bastard. I shower quickly, throw a towel around my waist and walk downstairs.
“Your apartment was broken into, smashed up and set alight. Thankfully it was caught early and there is minimal fire damage.”
“Do we know who?”
“Yes, Boss. We expected something so David had his team watching, which is why there was minimal fire damage. They waited for them to leave and dealt with the culprits accordingly. They gave up the information we needed quickly. All that’s needed is the nod from you, the puppets will be disposed of, and the member will be appropriately managed.”
I give the nod and walk away. I didn’t expect something so soon, the funeral hasn’t taken place yet, that’s two days away on Wednesday. I know who it is, it’s James O’Connell the son of Mr O’Connell, owner of Pulse Entertainment, I got wind that he’s been planning to attempt something since his father was ‘managed’ after trying to get some of the girls to work for him. His father wouldn’t have approved of this whilst my grandfather was alive, so this was something I was expecting.
“Sleepeasy Boss.”
“Yeah, cheers Anders,” I sarcastically reply as I walk back upstairs. I throw the towel off and climb into bed, thank fuck this day is over. But this is just the start and I know it. This has been my life for the last three years, and I’m ready to take over as planned, but if people are going to test the water this quickly certain aspects will have to change. I need to make it known that I’m not one to even think about going against and if they do, there will be consequences, ones that I will issue myself. I can see how this life can consume you and why my grandfather chose to keep his hands ‘clean’. I need a distraction, something to release my tension and I know what I want. A plaything will allow me to take out my frustration whilst gaining pleasure, and I know who I want that plaything to be.
I wake early, I’ve never been one to lie around in bed, I know that the issues from last night will be dealt with by now and the news should start to spread. Anders had everything under control, as always, so there was no requirement to get involved. I get showered and head down to the kitchen and as I pour a coffee there is a knock at the door. It’s one of David’s men who covered the security last night since Anders was busy.
“Good morning Sir, David requested that I inform you that business was managed accordingly, and Anders will be in office.”
I thank him and close the door, David’s men never stick around, they do their job and keep themselves to themselves. As I walk back intothe kitchen, I pick up my phone and call Anders.
“I’m making some changes with the way certain business is being handled. When required I will be involved in undertaking certain assignments.”
“Is there a problem Boss? Everything was taken care of.”
“I’m aware however, issues this early don’t bode well, and I will make it known it won’t be tolerated.”
I don’t give him a chance to respond before I hang up the phone. I don’t know if he will be happy with me being involved in the ‘dirty side’ of business, but I don’t care. I discussed it with my grandfather and although he didn’t agree he understood that there would be certain things that needed to change when I took over. There were minimal non-negotiables, to ensure that I could do what is needed to be done.
Iworked out this morning and yesterday, after I slammed the door on him, I needed to. I needed to work off my frustration and the tension that he caused in me. As soon as I read his note it solidified my decision to refuse him. Even though I have thought about him taking me in every possible position, every time I see him, I am not going to risk my job over a quick fuck. Which likely won’t amount to what I’ve imagined. I tell myself he’s most likely a fuck boy and my fantasies of him are just that, fantasies and best kept as them.