Page 7 of The Sicuro

“I’m working,” I lie.

“No, you aren’t. Don’t lie to me Kelcie,” he steps towards me. ‘It’s not something that I accept in any form. 8pm Wednesday.”

As he leaves, I go in and as usual lock the door behind me. As I shut the bolts, I feel like it’s the first time I’ve taken a full breath since I sat in his car. Even just his presence does physical things to me. I instinctively walk to my room pulling my trousers down and pealing my lace thong off, the one that is now saturated with the juices, that if I am honest with myself, started pooling inside me the moment I walked out of work and saw him. I am on my bed, toy in hand, I haven’t even removed my top, naked from the waist down. I am not wasting any time. There’s no warmup needed, I have never felt this turned on by just the presence of someone. The way his hand rested on my lower back made me need him more.

My body is screaming for him to take control of me and give me the release and satisfaction that it craves, but this will have to do. The wetness he caused lets the toy slip in with ease, I waste no time moving the toy in and out whilst rubbing small circles over my clit. The tension that was built up in the car results in it taking minimal time to reach orgasm. I explode and my whole body shakes with pleasure, I didn’t know my body could be made to feel this way. I’ve never come that quick, and as my body starts to relax, whilst I enjoyed it, it hasn’t stopped my body craving him and needing something more.



When I walked into the office this morning Anders was already there sitting on the couch, when he noticed the door open, he stood. I wasn’t expecting him until later due to the overtime he worked last night. I heard on the morning news that one of Pulse Entertainment’s studios had been involved in a fire. Electrical fault, but no malicious activity is expected.

“James O’Connell was delivered back to his father this morning.”

“I’m assuming that a meeting has also been set up with Mr O’Connell?”

“Boss, Tomorrow, 11am,” Anders goes to walk out of my office but stops as he gets to the door and turns back.

“Boss, women don’t do well in this world. They either can’t handle it or are used against you. If you want someone to play with that can be arranged.”

I say nothing, looking at him. I know it can, it has been in the past, whenever I’ve wanted it, and they will do whatever I want. But Kelcie is doing something to me, something that no one ever has. She’s denied me and meant it, makingme want her more. I am going to make her mine.

“Just say the word Boss,” he says as he leaves.

I complete the final requirements for my grandfather’s funeral. I message Anders to have my apartment sorted so that I can stay there for the week whilst I have the house redecorated. If I am taking it over, then I’m going to make it more my style. I’ve arranged to speak with an interior designer tomorrow and already informed them that I want work to commence immediately. You can get whatever you want when you have the cash to throw around. I did alright before I started with the business, the rigs made me enough that when I was home, I didn’t have to do anything. That and the fact I rented out the second room of my apartment whenever I was away meant I was comfortable. However, in this world, I am more than comfortable.

I checked over the staff schedule and know that Kelcie is on shift until 4pm, I decided that I would give her a lift home and arrange to take her out for a date on Wednesday. Her face when she sees me waiting for her is a sight I won’t forget. By the time I have taken her home, arranged a time to pick her up on Wednesday and finished things off back at the office it’s nearing 7pm.

I go downstairs and head to my booth, I have one whisky to ‘show face’. After the last 24-hours of antics I don’t have the energy for people. I sit in silence, something that I enjoy.

I’ve arrived in the office by 10am due to the meeting that is scheduled with O’Connell today. I need the figures of his outstanding debt from his initial loan and to decide what is going to be added to it for the consequences of his son’s actions. I was informed by David that James O’Connell has taken an extended holiday courtesy of his father, who supposedly didn’t give him authorisation to make the move he did. Whilst in the past DeMarco’s haven’t ‘got their hands dirty’, it’s my approval that’s required for it to be executed. When consequences are delivered it doesn’t entail time for conversation, which Mr O’Connell had a preview of after his first mistake and he was lucky that the damage wasn’t permanent.

It's 10:45am, and O’Connell is here, he’s in the bar, David directed him there since he arrived 15 minutes early for our meeting. I knew he would. He knows that this meeting is wasting my time, and that this shouldn’t be happening which is why he has already shipped his son off. He wants to portray the image of him ‘dealing’ with the situation that is the lack of loyalty of his son unless he did in fact give the nod to proceed.

I know he wants to protect him after he was dropped off on his doorstep in the early hours, unconscious, with broken bones and his eyes swollen shut. With the beating he took even if he did come around, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t regain full brain functions. I leave O’Connell waiting in the bar, watching him on the security cameras, sweating, fidgeting,wondering if he is going to walk out of here at all. He will. The Sicuro is and will remain, clean and legal. It’s now approaching 1130am and David brings him to the office as directed. Anders is sitting in the corner. David opens the door, stepping to the side allowing O’Connell to walk through, then closes the door behind him and goes back downstairs.

“Mr DeMarco I, I, I’ve had him moved out the city, I, I NEVER approved his actions.” He’s sputtering and stumbling over each word, the sweat is dripping off him. He’s not a young guy and he learnt his lesson long ago. Anders clears his throat, causing O’Connell to freeze where he stands, turning only his head to see who’s in the room and the colour drains from his face. I still haven’t spoken a word, as I sit in my chair.

“Could I reach into my pocket?”

I know he wouldn’t attempt to pull anything in here, he came alone to show that. I nod. He fumbles with his suit jacket button, finally getting it undone he reaches into his inside pocket and pulls out an envelope that contains what appears to be a thick wad of cash. He holds it in the air.

“For the indiscretions of my son’s actions. I am aware that there will be additional ‘fees’ added to my account, but I hope this ends anything with my son.” He says shaking the envelope.

I look over at Anders, making a small swift gesture with my hand which lets him know to remove O’Connell from my office. He walks up behind him takes the envelope and puts it in his inside jacket pocket. There will be a minimumof £150k in there and Anders knows to keep this himself, to cover his and David’s increased obligations.

“This way O’Connell,” Anders directs him out of my office, he turns and follows, his legs visibly shaking. Anders walks him out.

“Your membership is still valid, but your fee has increased by 15%, but all bookings that you have are cancelled for the next six months,” Anders states as he guides O’Connell from the building. The only action O’Connell can make is a small but fast nod. Anders walks him all the way to the pavement and then taps his arse to indicate to leave. O’Connell turns and walks away taking deep heavy short breaths. The meeting lasted less than 15 minutes, I never spoke a word. Anders walks back in laughing to himself.

“Boss, you’re more like your grandfather than you know.”

A scoff escapes my mouth. I don’t mind having my grandfather’s attributes, he was a good man, to those close to him.

“Is it a clean meat and veggies lunch or a deli?”

I try to eat well, I found out quickly that in this business you miss meals and then grab them on the go. One of the reasons my grandfather’s wife started bringing him cooked meals when she came. I raise one eyebrow.