Page 47 of The Sicuro

We stay in the bar, waiting for Anders to get in touch. Kelcie keeps a discreet eye on Williams. I knew that Dale was going to attempt to come, but he was respectful when he was turned away.

“Maybe, he is just eager to be a member?” I say factually.

“I know I am one for letting my imagination take over, but my gut feeling hasn’t been wrong yet. Being followed by O’Connell, I felt that.” She turns her gaze to me. “But this feeling isn’t like that, I’m not scared, I, I don’t know how to explain it, but I know that we need to be cautious.”

I instinctively lay my arm across both her legs. I know that feeling too, but it’s one I developed in this business. My phone chimes, a message from Anders.


Audio file sent.



“I am going up to the office, Anders has sent an audio file through. Stay and keep eyes on her.”

Kelcie gives me an acknowledging look and I make my way up to the office. I sit down at my desk and open the file. It’s a short phone call.


I’ve been refused entry.

Unknown male

I knew you were fucking useless.

That’s why we have her.

It’s easy to tell that one is Dale, but the other voice is distorted. But it’s clear that they have Williams working with them. I load up the current security, Williams is still here, who the fuck is she tied to. I send a message off to Kelcie telling her to come up. I reload the audio letting her take it in.

“Who is that?” I expected her to be angry, if she is there is no evidence of it in her voice, it’s neutral, flat.

“Unknown, but the tail l have on her and Dale will be remaining.”

The next morning both Kelcie and I are in the office earlier than usual, Anders informed me he personally tracked Williams last night and had some intel for us. Anders arrives not long after.

Williams went back to the apartment complex that she is refurbishing, which isn’t unusual, but then left around 2am, meeting with Dale outside of town. As soon as she reached him, he gave her a hefty slap knocking her to the ground. Leaning down at her, he ‘scream whispered’ that she better pick up her slack and get more information otherwise he would kill them both. After which he took off, telling her to keep her phone on, she was still on the ground as he left.

“Who will kill them both?” Kelcie asks.

“I’m unsure yet but we should carry on as normal, Anders will keep an eye on things. It’s not unusual for people to try and get somethingon me.” I state truthfully. “It’s possible that Dale wanted the membership to then vouch for the other man and since he didn’t get it, they sent in Williams.”

“So what? We just continue day to day life knowing that someone is watching us?”

“No one is watching or following you, Miss Taylor. I’ve had one of the team watching that too.” Anders answers her.

Weeks go by unchanged, and we somewhat remain in our routine. However, I am careful to make sure I change the timings that we arrive and leave so as not to leave a traceable pattern. Kelcie doesn’t think anything of it, and I’ve kept it that way so she can get back to normality, whatever that may be for us. Anders is still working on exposing who the other unknown male on the audio clip was, but nothing has been found, they traced their tracks well. They will slip up soon enough. They always do.

The jewellers contacted me letting me know that Kelcie’s ring is now ready to be collected. With everything that has been going on, she hasn’t been suspicious if I have been taking calls without people around. Collecting it is going to be difficult, I’ve been making sure that she has been with me constantly, I could send Anders, but I need to check it over myself.

By Friday I still haven’t managed to get to the jewellers, and as things have been relatively normal, I tell her that I’ll run out and get us some dinner and meet her back at home. I’ll take the driver and Anders will take her back, I let Anders know what the plan is, and hearranges a late collection of the ring and dinner for me.

It’s coming up to around 6pm when Kelcie walks into the office and I walk over to her, wrapping my hands around her neck in my usual manner. I love how it still makes her take a deep breath in.

“I’m going to grab us some dinner.”

“Give me twenty minutes and I’ll be with you.” She states back to me.