Page 43 of The Sicuro

“Will the tenant’s rent cover the membership and additional payments?” I ask. Although I haven’t seen actual invoices, I know the membership isn’t cheap and those buildings, whilst not in the most-upper class of areas will still hold value.

“That’s her business, it’s not for us to look into how people would make repayments.”

“No, but surely you do checks to make sure you, we, will not be out of pocket.” A full smile takes over his lips.

“Yes, Miss Taylor I do have certain checks completed so that we,” he says emphasising we, “will not be out of pocket.There are some assets that her parents own that could be taken as collateral should the need arise.”

I pull a face at the thought of her parents being dragged into this world.

“She is being treated in the same manner as every other member Kelcie. She doesn’t get any special treatment just because she has a cunt.”

He has a point, and it’s her decision to accept it should she be offered the agreement.

“So have you approved it?”

“Do you think I should?”

“It takes the complexes off your hands, and she hasn’t asked for an additional loan. Seems like the easier option.” He nods. “Should I expect her to have a recurring booking?”

“Yes, but not as often as the other members, she requested weekly due to wanting to be actively involved in the refurbishments.”

We don’t speak any more of the details, but I do make a mental note to look for her name on the bookings when I next go in. I will be there to welcome her in on her first booking, usually a waiting girl does it however this is the first new member since I stepped up and it’s the first female one. It feels more appropriate, and I have an unwelcome desire to know what she looks like. There is a knot forming in my stomach thinking about it.

“Why are you scowling?” He asks while holding in a laugh.

“Why are you laughing?” I can feel myself becoming curt.

“No need for jealousy, you know I belong to you.” I respond with only a glare which makeshim laugh more. I’m not jealous, am I? Fuck, this man brings out all kinds of emotions in me.

“You’re such a dick.” My words don’t match the smile on my face.

I’ve checked the bookings each day to see if her name was there, it’s been two weeks, and it hasn’t appeared. I don’t want to ask HR as I know that they will tell Gabriel, so I’ve just been checking with the reception area if I should expect any new members that day or evening. This isn’t unusual, as new members are greeted by a member of staff and a rundown of expectations is provided on their first visit. It’s Tuesday and as I walk in, I am told that a new member ‘Miss Williams’ has a booking made for that evening. I thank them and continue up to the office. Tuesdays are quiet and uneventful. I expected her in at the weekend.

I walk into Gabriel’s, our, office with a smile on my face.

“Who’s brightened your day?” His curiosity getting the better of him.

“I had the best wake up call, from the only man that can make my knees buckle with just his hand.” Which is indeed factual, this morning he awoke me with one hand pinning mine and the other between my thighs resulting in my juices coating his hand and then his coating my tits. His devilish grin takes over his face.

“Nothing to do with a booking this evening?”

“It would be rude not to greet new members.”

“You have nothing to worry about Kelcie.” He’s blunt. He stands and greets me. “I am yours and yours only, I have no interest in others.” He pulls me close kissing me.

“I know. She’s the first female member though, isn’t she?” I have been wondering if there have been any previously. There hasn’t been any whilst I have been working here. You only really see females on the odd occasion when they are brought in as guests.

“No. However normally it’s the husband/partner that is the ‘front’, and the woman stays in the background. She is the first female member who has applied on her own. Background check didn’t show any partner.”

This makes her more intriguing, how did she find out about The Sicuro? I know that I can’t and won’t ask her, but I am going to be the one that greets her.

It’s 8pm and I get notified that Miss Williams has arrived. I go down and meet her in the foyer. She’s thin build, a similar height to myself, long poker straight blonde hair and fair complexion. Along with a bone structure that matches that of Anya Taylor-Joy, but as I get closer, I notice what I would describe as emptiness in her eyes. She’s wearing a tailored suit, and black stilettos, looking the part of a businesswoman. The staff behind the desk inform her of my approach and she walks towards me, with a smile.

“Miss Taylor, I’m Emma Williams, thank you for meeting me this evening.” As she reaches out her hand I take it, shaking it softly.I feel as though I may hurt her if I put any kind of pressure in my grip.

“You’re welcome, and welcome to The Sicuro. If you would like to follow me, I will go through some formalities whilst I take you to your table.” I’ve already allocated her a table, she is at one in the centre of the bar. Regular members will have their allocated tables, and the booths are reserved for those who have been around since the beginning. Most of those now don’t owe anything but remain loyal to Gabriel’s grandfather and now him. Since she is the first female, I have had her allocated a table that can be viewed from the bar and the security team. The cameras can see everything, but if staff have eyes on, they can react quickly should they need to.

Whilst travelling up the elevator I go through the formalities and expected etiquette of members. It’s an overview of the details of her membership and NDA agreement so nothing should be a shock to her. I finish off with a reminder that an NDA has been signed, after which I hear her take a deep breath which causes me to turn and look at her, if possible, she looks even paler.