“You’re overthinking this Miss Taylor, you could wear a tracksuit and he wouldn’t care as long as you were comfortable and happy.”
Anders’s words make me take a moment and realise that he’s right, I am overthinking it.
“However, I don’t actually recommend a tracksuit.”
A small laugh escapes me imagining Gabriel’s face if I did wear one.
“Thank you, Anders.” He responds with a slight nod and returns to waiting outside. The lady waiting to assist me is still stood beside me with a polite smile on her face.
“So,” she begins, “let’s start with making you feel amazing. Do you have any pictures of things you have worn that you felt amazing in to give me an idea of the styles you like?”
I pull out my phone and the first one I show her is the dress that Gabriel got me for our first date because fuck that dress makes me ooze confidence. I flick through a couple more as she looks on nodding.
“OK Miss Taylor, why don’t you take a seat I will pull some items and you can try them on. Can I get you a glass of champagne?”
A small weight is taken off my shoulders as I walk over to the seating area, and I am handed a drink by another staff member. I am slowly getting used to high-end stores like this one, and when I walk in on my own, I am usually left to browse whilst the staff try and work out if I have money to spend or not. Clearly, Anderswalking in helped them make up their mind. I still usually decline their help but today I’m grateful for not having to do all the thinking myself.
It’s 8pm and I’ve already showered and done my hair and make-up to keep myself busy. The dress that I finally picked after trying on numerous, is black, satin, ankle length, with a square neckline and split to the knee. It hugs me in all the right places, and only shows a slight bit of cleavage. The split to the knee makes it feel sexier and gives Gabriel the access that he likes.
I’m sitting in the kitchen in my usual spot in my silk nightgown with a glass of wine trying to calm my nerves but also trying not to drink it too fast so that I have my bearings about me when we go into The Sicuro. I close my eyes, lean my head back and take a deep breath.
“Looks like you may need a release.” His voice is low, his breath tickling my neck, for a second, I think I’m imagining him here until I feel his lips brush my jaw. How he got so close to me without me even hearing him doesn’t even cross my mind. I keep my eyes closed as he moves down my jaw gently kissing it as he goes. His lips hover over mine close enough that when I wet my bottom lip with my tongue, I can feel his.
“Careful, you don’t want to have to redo your make-up.” I open my eyes, his are locked on me.
“I didn’t know you were coming back, I thought the car was collecting me.”
“I needed to check that the dress you picked has the access that I desire. All day without you has me worked up. This nightgown however provides me an adequate amount.”
His lips never leave the position hovering over mine, or his gaze looking deep into my eyes as he pulls the silk rope of my gown making it fall open. His hand strokes my thigh, my legs react automatically opening for him. A hungry hum passes his lips, still hovering so close to mine that I can feel the vibrations. I move forward to kiss him, and as I do, he moves back keeping the small space between us.
“We won’t have time for you to redo everything, be my good girl and take what I am going to give you.”
His words make my pussy clench and the wetness start to pool. His hand moves down, and his fingers slip in causing me to instantly moan. He grabs me around my waist holding me and he drives his fingers slowly in and out, the pressure making me arch my back and my hips start to ride his hand, needing, wanting more.
“Gabriel, please.” He releases his grip on my waist, and it one swift movement his hard dick springs free from his trousers, he grips me by the back of my thighs and pulls me forward pushing himself deep into me. He takes my hard nipple into his mouth, biting it with enough pressure to make me gasp as he thrusts into me, filling me with his tremendous cock. I hold his shoulders trying to support myself as my body gives in to him, my legs wrappingaround him as his hands move to my arse, continuing to thrust into me, each time harder and more powerful. My body begins to quiver, letting him know that I’m at my peak.
“Come for me Kelcie,” he whispers in my ear as I burst around him. His balls tighten and a growl that rumbles from his chest making my orgasm heighten is grunted into my ear. He explodes and I feel him fill me. As my heart rate slows down, he kisses my neck, whilst slowly pulling out of me. His eyes look over all of me, taking in every inch of me like it’s the first time he has seen me naked. He puts his still hard dick away, as I pull my gown back on.
“Time to finish getting ready. Don’t shower, I want you to feel me in you all night.” He smirks as he holds out his hand to help me down from the stool leading me upstairs.
I check my hair and makeup, and it still looks good, I clean myself up, putting on a black lace bra and thong set, feeling his eyes watch me. I slip on my dress, sweeping my hands down it, feeling my confidence increase. The shop assistant did good. I turn to face Gabriel, who is now wearing a crisp black shirt with the top 2 buttons undone, sleeves rolled up to his forearms, black slacks, and belt. The way he looks turns me on.
“Suitable,” I ask as I turn my torso slightly.
“Stunning.” His single word is enough of a response as his eyes skate over me with the look he has when he’s about to devour me.
Pulling up to The Sicuro I can feel my heart beginning to hammer in my chest. The door isopened by the driver, Gabriel steps out, holding his hand for me to follow. We have taken the lift tonight, instead of the usual staff stairs and by the time the doors open at the floor I feel like my heart is going to burst through my ribs. As we step out Gabriel stops and pulls me close.
“You’re mine,” his words soft. He kisses me gently, making my body relax. We walk towards the door and ever the gentleman, opens it for me to walk through, as I do I feel the guests’ eyes on me, and it feels like a lifetime before I feel Gabriel’s hand on my lower back. We continue to walk towards his booth, David giving us a nod as we pass him.
At each table we pass, the members give Gabriel an acknowledgement nod, and I notice the odd person hitch an eyebrow up. As we reach his booth, a server brings over his whisky and a glass of wine for me. I never told the staff I was coming in tonight, I didn’t tell anyone, so I’m unsure how they knew to bring what drink I would want. I glance over at David who once again nods at me.
“I was informed you would have a guest this evening and what drink they would like.” The server directs at Gabriel.
“Is this what you would like, Miss Taylor?” She is now acknowledging the fact that it’s me.
“It’s perfect. Thank you, Beth.” She smiles and leaves. I take a sip from my drink, as I look around the room expecting guests to be looking over, whispering to each other but they aren’t.