Page 37 of The Sicuro

We make our way to the restaurant, guided by Charles upon arrival, he speaks with a member of his staff informing him that our evening is taken care of. He turns to Gabriel shakes his hand and thanks him for his time,he then proceeds to take my hand and place a kiss over my knuckles. I have to stop myself from pulling it away.

“Miss Taylor.” He says.

I smile at him, and he leaves. The restaurant is full, but we are taken to a table near the kitchen, I recognise that it’s the same one as the first time I came here. The waiter talks with Gabriel and shortly after a bottle of wine is brought over. I’m looking out at the stunning grounds, but my mind goes to the woods that rest behind them and what they are used for. I wonder how many bodies lie in there.

“Everything OK?”

I turn and look at Gabriel, I’m sure he knows what I am thinking about. I smile.

“Yes, I’m good.”

We haven’t spoken about what happened, on either occasion. Me watching him slit a guy’s throat or the fact I shot O’Connell. I thought I would feel different, that it would bother me, maybe even have nightmares about it, but it hasn’t.

The waiter approaches the table, bending down to speak into Gabriel’s ear, he responds with only a nod. Moments later a man walking towards us, one I haven’t seen before. He’s tall, thin almost malnourished, his suit seems to hang off him, like it was given to him rather than made for him. He seems young, out of place and not the type of person I would expect to be approaching Gabriel.

“Mr DeMarco, I would like to extend my condolences to you on your grandfather’s passing.”

Gabriel responds with only a nod, his eyes empty and emotionless. The man looks between us.

“I was wondering if you have had a chance to review my application?”

“I’ve received it, and it will be reviewed accordingly.”

The man’s focus returns to me. An uncomfortable feeling ignites in the pit of my stomach. I look over at Gabriel who is glaring at him, his eyes harden, turning dark.

“Mr Dale.” Gabriel snaps and leans forward. “Is there a reason why your eyes are fixed on to what is mine?” His tone is low, harsh and unnerving. The man becomes clearly intimidated and timorous.

“Apologies. Thank you for your time.” He could only move faster away if he ran. Gabriel watches him before returning his gaze to me.

“I’m assuming he wishes to become a member.” I say.

“He does.”


“I’m not interested in his reasoning, or the company that he keeps, or used to keep.”

I nod, understanding his words. He doesn’t need any more like O’Connell finding their way in.

On the way home he reminds me about Thursday evening and joining him for a drink in the bar. I ask if I am coming as his business partner. He confirmed now that I manage the staff it’s important to show that I work alongside him and that I am to be treated as heis, and anyone who doesn’t will be removed. Before I could go to speak, he continued.

“However, first and foremost you are mine,” his eyes fix on me, “and anyone who even looks at you in a manner that I deem unsolicited or disreputable they will be made aware of it accordingly.” His tone is dark yet protective.

I let out a small laugh, his eyes widen, and his brow raises slightly, questioning my laugh with just his expression.

“I don’t really fancy being the target of unhappy members.” I know I shouldn’t have said the words as soon as they have left my mouth. It’s not his fault that O’Connell tried to burn my apartment down with me in it.

“I’m sorry,” I say quickly after. “I never meant…”

“It’s OK.” He stops me from continuing. “I will protect you. It’s been made clear that you are mine Kelcie, no one will touch you, even approach you that shouldn’t.” I can see the dark evil blackness that lurks behind his eyes.

It’s been a couple of weeks since O’Connell came to The Sicuro and attempted to attack Gabriel. Due to O’Connell hiding out beforehand and how effectively it was cleaned up, only the security team, Gabriel, Anders, David, and I know it happened. In addition, it’s only Gabriel, Anders, and I who know it was me that killed him. Having work to keep me occupied has meant I haven’t even thought about it, and on the odd occasion I have I still don’t feel any different or have any remorse.

The security staff know about Gabriel and I, but the rest of the staff don’t. The fact that’s going to change on Thursday, I’ve arranged for them all to attend on Monday for a meeting. I don’t want them to be informed I’m their boss and that I’m in a relationship with Gabriel at the same time.

They are expecting David however it will be me. They will be made aware that I am taking over as Personnel Manager, that I am their boss and that any issues are to be directed through myself. I am expecting some snide words from some of the girls as they know who I am. Gabriel’s told me his conditions, there are no real changes, other than they must address me as Miss Taylor. I disagreed with this at first but understand that the girls must be kept safe and that to do this I am to be seen as their boss and not their friend. When he mentioned that I shouldn’t socialise with any of them because it could put them in danger it was hard to keep the smirk from my lips.

It's Monday morning, 1030am and we are at The Sicuro, David has got the staff together in the bar and is waiting for me. I glance over at Gabriel, and he smiles at me. He reminded me again last night that this place is now just as much mine as it is his. This was before he had me tied to the bedpost, told me how I am his and it will be known, then proceeded to make every inch of my body shake in desire.