“It’s beautiful, I’ve never been anywhere like this.”
The server brings out the drinks and the first course of the tasting menu follows shortly after. I still can’t help but watch her. Her eyes light up when she tastes the food.
“This is outstanding.”
Her excitement makes me smile. She continues her meal, and it’s obvious that she is enjoying each mouthful, commenting on each course as she did the first.
When our last plates are taken away one of Charles’s personal security team approaches the table.
“Mr DeMarco.”
The way her pupils dilated let me know that she wasn’t expecting to hear that name. Her mouth falls slightly open as if she gasped but no sound was present, her body clearly stiffens. I keep my eyes locked on her trying to gauge her reaction to the knowledge of who I am.
“Yes,” I respond keeping my eyes on her.
“Mr Brown has asked me to inform you that he is available when you are ready to see him.”
“Now is fine.”
“Would you like me to take Miss Taylor to the lounge?”
“No. She will be attending with me.”
He looks between Kelcie and me, and I can see that he isn’t happy with my answer, but he isn’t going to disagree with me.
“If you would like to follow me, Sir.”
I stand, holding my hand out to Kelcie, who doesn’t move.
“Kelcie.” My voice is stern. She reaches out and takes my hand, I make sure not to let go of it as we make our way through the hotel, and upstairs to Charles’s office.
“Mr DeMarco, I wasn’t expecting you to have company.”
“Please Charles, it’s Gabriel. It was a last-minute change of plan. This is Kelcie.” Charles moves from around his desk and approaches her taking her hand, telling her it’s good to meet her. She responds only with a smile and a mumbled ‘you too.’
He gestures for us to take a seat and offers us a drink. I have my usual and request a wine for Kelcie since she appears to be in shock. Charles asks if he is permitted to talk freely, I look at her before giving him the nod that he can proceed.
My Grandfather worked with Charles pretty much since the beginning, they went to school together and had a level of loyalty and trust that could never be broken regardless of how hard people tried. He believes that my grandfather has died, and before he did there were several meetings which I was present for, reassuring me that the trust extends to me.
The hotel that Charles owns, isn’t one open to the public, and it’s more the size of a large manor than a grand hotel, simply named The Manor. It has two stories, on the ground floor there are a handful of large rooms used for business functions and meetings. The firstfloor holds eight suites which a few are allocated to specific personnel only. There is an underground level that has numerous basement rooms, and the grounds cover ten acres that backs onto woodland. Anders and David know the place well, as do I. The basements are used for reasons such as taking care of individuals’ indiscretions, and they are equipped to do so, including being soundproofed. Personally, I prefer to use the basement at the abandoned warehouse as no one knows about it. However, the woods behind The Manor I utilise, and Jackson was burnt and buried somewhere deep in them.
I told Kelcie that I was bringing her here for lunch, which wasn’t a lie. I just didn’t inform her of this meeting with Charles. He requested it after hearing about the death of my grandfather, most likely to ensure that the plans made regarding the transfer of my grandfather’s arrangements to myself are still proceeding.
The plan wasn’t to bring her into the actual meeting, just for her to hear my name but fuck it. I may as well give her a deeper insight into what I do, maybe it will save some questions later.
Whilst Charles checked that I was happy for him to speak freely in her presence, I knew that it wouldn’t be a fully detailed conversation. He starts by giving me his condolences regarding the passing of my grandfather, his friend and reiterates that the promise of trust still stands. I thank him and reply telling him that it is atwo-way street. Anders and David have provided him assistance with the dealing of ‘issues’, and due to this, we can use the facilities and grounds as required.
“Gabriel, I heard that you had an incident on Wednesday evening which resulted in you taking action. Is this something that will become regular?”
He’s asking if I will now be involved in dealing with others like I was with Jackson, news spreads fast when you spill blood.
“Only as required. As you know my grandfather expected me to be tested and I had to make minor changes to ensure that members know that business is to continue as normal. That has resulted in a couple of extra responsibilities for me.”
“Understood. I will have one of the rooms arranged for your private use. Would you like a room on the first floor for office use or a place to stay when needed?”
He isn’t aware of the warehouse, and I intend to keep it that way so accept his offer. Glancing over at Kelcie, she is still sitting with an expression of shock on her face, that I can tell she is trying to hide. She hasn’t touched her wine, so I reach forward and pass it to her. She takes it from me and has a small sip like she is on autopilot. The additional room would be appreciated, it’s good to have somewhere to escape to occasionally. Finishing the meeting, Charles once again stands, I raise and gesture for Kelcie to do the same. He shakes my hand and places his other on my shoulder as a form of embrace after, he turns to Kelcie and takesher hand again saying it was good to meet her. As we turn to walk out, I place my hand on her lower back, and she walks with me, leaving The Manor.
We are driving back, and she hasn’t spoken a word, to be honest, I’m unsure if she can.