"So fast?"
"Not fast enough. It should have happened three years ago."
I don't know what she sees on my face after what I say, but she doesn't protest. On the contrary, she seems to be suffering too.
When Kennedy moves away, Beau and Ernest approach.
"Will you give me the details of what happened today?" the man Kennedy considers a father asks.
It doesn't surprise me that Beau hasn’t told him anything, because he wouldn't reveal a comma to Ernest without my authorization.
I quickly explain about the attack we suffered.
"Do you think it was Ryan?" he asks.
"Not directly, but I believe the order came from his family. Who else would feel threatened if the charges against Kennedy got dropped? They're not fools. They know that if I'm publicly supporting her, it's because I trust in her innocence and that I won't stop until I prove it. From the beginning, they tried to blame Kennedy for what happened."
"Are you going after them? Because I won't have peace knowing they might try again."
"I will. When I find the mastermind behind it, he'll pay."
"I'm already taking care of that," Beau says. "Whoever ordered this made two fatal mistakes: they tried to kill a friend of mine and they did it on my turf. If you want, I can cancel his Social Security without you bothering to take them to court."
"A subtle way of saying you'd send him to Satan's arms," Ernest laughs.
"No. They need to face justice because it will be one more brick in her defense. It will show that the Corey family, who likes to put themselves above good and evil, has several skeletons in the closet. Catching who ordered this attack will be the beginning of the end." I focus my attention on Ernest. "I trust you, and I'll be forever grateful to you for taking care of the woman I love and my son, but I don't want any more secrets between us. Who are you, Ernest?
Before he even opens his mouth, Beau responds, "A former hitman. He took care of Senator Balantine's enemies."
I glance at the man who has become the protector of my future wife since Kennedy was practically a child, waiting for an explanation. It's not the fact that he was a hired killer that makes me wary. When he told me he’d spent time in prison, I kind of figured it was something like this. What I still don't understand is his connection to Kennedy.
"Is he her father?"
"No, but Balantine is."
"What?" I glance over Beau's shoulder and feel relieved when I see that Kennedy can't hear us. I don't need to be a genius to understand that this is not a pretty story.
"Kennedy is not the daughter of the man her mother married," says Ernest.
"How can you know that?"
"Because I was Balantine's right-hand man. To the world, I was his driver, but in reality, I cleaned up his mess, sending his enemies to meet their maker ahead of schedule."
"And how does Kennedy's mother fit into this?"
"The story will destroy her, Hades."
"Tell me."
"Kennedy's parents worked for Balantine. They weren't married—they weren't even dating. Clarkina was beautiful, and everyone desired her. I saw it happen, you know? Balantine seduced his employees, and with Clarkina, it was no different. When he found out she was pregnant, he sent her away. Beny, the man who raised Kennedy as if she were his own for a short time before he died, went with her. I thought Kennedy and her mother would be better off away from that bastard Balantine. I knew more than anyone about all his dirt. The man is worthless. Beny, her father, was a good man."
"He never suspected?"
"I don't know. He probably did, but he truly loved them both. I watched them from afar. As you know, one day, they died in an accident. I lost track of Kennedy and searched for her until I finally found her here in New Orleans when she was fourteen."
"Why did you come after Kennedy, Ernest?"
"Because I fell in love with Clarkina. At the time, I was still in the game, had many enemies, and had just gotten out of prison. I thought Beny would be a better choice for her, as long as Clarkina was happy."