"This isn't about us—it's about what's best for King. If I can get acquitted in the process?—”
"I don't even want you to go to trial. I want the charges dropped."
"Do you think that's possible?"
"I'll go to hell to make it happen. It would help if you remembered what happened that night."
"I can't. I've been trying, Hades." She pauses, seeming in agony. "But it's like that night never existed."
"Unfortunately, it did, Kennedy. I want you to see a specialist when we get to New York. He's considered the best neurologist in the world."
"My problem isn't neurological; it's some sort of emotional block."
"Do you at least remember why you accepted Pam's invitation?"
"You told me you were about to leave their house, yet you accepted Pam's invitation to go to the beach house."
"That I remember." She looks ahead, as if ashamed of what she's about to say. "I never had anything. In the time I lived with Riny, Mrs. Vina's daughter, which was practically my whole life, I didn’t even know what the word ‘fun’ meant. She abused me, as I've already told you," she says, and when I try to touch her, she takes a step back. "Don't pity me. I'm just answering your question."
"It's not pity—it's anger at everyone who’s hurt you."
She lifts her chin. "You hurt me too."
"And you think my anger isn't directed at myself as well?"
"I don't want to fight, so please don't provoke me."
"Carry on with your story, Kennedy."
"I’d never been on a vacation. In the almost two months I stayed at your grandfather's house, Pam and Mrs. Vina gave me a different perspective. I had food every day and didn't have to worry about money or my aunt kicking me out. You get used to peace much faster than you do to hell, Hades. I was just starting to be happy for the first time in my life when my world collapsed and Pam began acting different with me."
"Out of jealousy."
She shrugs. "Anyway, after what she said that night when she suspected we’d had sex, that I was a bet between you and your brother, I was going to leave without even waiting to save money for it. Then she mentioned the weekend, a 'girls’ trip,’ and I thought: why not? I didn't think I'd ever have the chance to enjoy something like that in the future. That's why I accepted Pam's invitation, even though I was angry with her. It was trivial and completely selfish."
"Your desire to be happy isn't trivial, and I can give you that, Kennedy. Happiness."
"I don't want your promises. I wish I could say I wish I’d never met you, but I can't because you gave me King."
"Enough. I didn't call you here to argue but to talk about New York."
"I'm capable of anything to protect our son. Even leaving here with you."
I know it's not fair to her to do what I'm planning right now, but I'll die before I miss out on an opportunity like this. "If you're capable of anything to protect our son, I reaffirm my proposal. I'll fight for you not to be convicted, and for that, I have a plan. Marry me. I don't care if you hate me. I'll protect you and King forever."
"Is that why you mentioned marriage earlier?"
"Not only for that, but if it makes you feel better to believe I'm only doing it for your protection, feel free to choose the answer that pleases you most. In the end, either one works for me because I'll have you both."
"If I accept, it will be for King’s sake. For the right to be with my son, I'm even capable of marrying the enemy, but you'll never touch me, Hades. It will be a marriage of convenience."
"I said you can hate me all you want, Kennedy, but you desire me and will be mine again. Fight, but in the end, I'll win."
"I'll sort out the paperwork. I want everything to be done quickly and in the right sequence. The acknowledgment of King's paternity first, then we'll marry."