As the driver accelerates even more, widening the gap between our car and the pursuers, shots ring out behind us.
Whoever is doing this waited for us to be in a remote location outside the city, which tells me they've been following us for some time.
"I'm scared. I want to go back to my son!”
King, Jesus Christ!
I grab my phone and call the only person capable of protecting our boy right now. "Beau? We were just attacked leaving a restaurant. They're still after us. I need you to protect my son. I'm entrusting my boy to you."
"Where are you?"
"I don't know. Not far from the restaurant. Get my son, Beau. Protect him and Ernest too."
"Don't worry about it. Stay alive. I'll handle everything and locate you too. Are you hurt?"
"Tell the driver to come to my house. No one will dare come near here."
I hang up and send a message to Ernest, asking him not to let anyone in except the men who identify themselves as Beau's security. I warn him that they're coming to get them. I don't think the bodyguards watching over them will be enough to escort them to Beau’s house. Until Beau's men arrive, they'll be safe inside.
I look at Kennedy, who seems on the verge of a panic attack.
"I just told him, and a friend of mine will send someone to pick them up and take them to his house."
"He's trying to kill me," she says, knowing as well as I do that the attack can only come from Ryan's side, and I know what caused it: my public support for Kennedy.
"He'll have to kill me first, and maybe even that won’t work, because I'll come back from hell to destroy him."
"And King? This friend you talked to, is he trustworthy?"
"Yes, he is."
"I think the bodyguards managed to intercept them, Dr. Kostanidis,” says the driver. “They're not after us anymore."
"Keep up the pace. I won't take any risks with her safety."
"My God, this feels like a nightmare!"
"It's okay, love. I'll take you to a place where you'll be safe."
After a few minutes, I see one of the cars with the bodyguards following us close behind, and soon, another overtakes us. Like a defensive line, they act together. The third one is probably still suppressing our attackers.
"We made it, Dr. Kostanidis. We're out of danger now," the driver says. He was recommended to me by Beau, as well as the bodyguards, and I know he must have training not only in driving but in weapons as well, in case they need to be used.
"We need to call the police," Kennedy says, squirming against my body.
"Don't worry about that."
"How can I not? Someone tried to kill us, and?—”
"You have my word that there's nothing more to fear, Kennedy." I know the police wouldn't be of any use. The king of the city already knows what happened and will take the lead.
"How can I not worry? If they killed us, King would be left without both parents!"
"That's not going to happen. We'll raise our son together."