“But why right after her birthday?”

“Because I think she caught me with Kennedy in a private room at the club. If she didn’t know I kissed Kennedy, she might at least have suspected.”

“And she decided to drug you to trap you for good,” Odin concludes. “Pam knew you, Hades. She knew your code of honor and that because of who she was, you would marry the little brat out of guilt when you realized you had slept together.”

“The night I spent in my grandfather’s library, when I don’t remember anything that happened . . .”

“Yes, I just started watching and stopped, but everything indicates that you and Kennedy had sex.”

“Pam was there the next day when I woke up, as I told you. She told me Kennedy had gone to her boyfriend’s house, to Ryan, and that she did it often. I still didn’t know she was a liar. I went crazy with jealousy, even though at that time I didn’t remember sleeping with Kennedy.”

“Your body remembered.”

“Maybe, and my subconscious too. The fact is, in my mind, Kennedy belonged to me. I left the house dying of anger. I despised her, believing she was with Ryan, and wanted her at the same time. The next day, Pam called me asking for the trip to Cape Cod. I had already decided to go after Kennedy, take her for myself, but I thought maybe I should let the two have that time together, as a sort of farewell.”


“I knew that the moment I started a relationship with Kennedy, Pam would hate her.”

“What you never imagined was that she already hated her.”

“Yes, I think she did.”

“There’s no doubt, cousin. Pam saw you two moving towards each other before you even realized it.”

“What does that mean?”

“There’s another video, from the caretaker’s house.”

“There were cameras there too?”


“But that means Grandpa was spying on Vina?”

“Maybe the old man was a bit of a pervert, or maybe he just didn’t trust even the maid who worked for him. We’ll never know the answer. The fact is, Pam was with Kennedy before meeting you in the library. The audio of this video in the house is not good. I couldn’t hear what they talked about, but Pam said something to Kennedy that made her leave.”

“She knew what happened between us.”

“Or suspected. Watch the video.”

Odin has labeled each one, so I skip the one of what happened between us in the library and go to the one labeled “house of the caretaker.”

As he said, the audio is hard to understand, but you can clearly see Pam and Kennedy in the hallway of their house. It’s still dark, and Kennedy has a towel around her body, as if she just took a shower.

Pam seems to confront her but then hugs her.

“She acts crazy, or she’s an excellent actress, because mood swings like that are crazy as hell,” Odin says.

Then, when it looks like everything will be fine, as she pulls away from Kennedy’s embrace, Pam notices something on her neck and a new argument begins.

Odin has guessed the same thing as I did because he soon says, “I think it must have been a hickey, a mark you left on Kennedy. Remember that this scene was after you two were together in the library.”

I look back at the phone.

Pam says something that makes Kennedy step back, looking upset, and then she goes into the room.

“Fast forward the video, Hades.”