I pull up the chair farthest from her, which only leaves one between us.

"Has Pam woken up?" she asks.

"No." I stare at the tabletop and decide that even after the conversation with Pam yesterday about moving to New York with both of them, it's better to clarify things. The girl seems like a dreamer and maybe thinks the whole world is rosy. It's likely that Mrs. Vina doesn't want me around.

"Look, Pam told me about moving in with you, but if that's not what you want, I?—”

"I don't mind if you come, as long as you behave. Don't act up like you used to when Riny was alive, girl."

How do you tell a mother that her daughter, who hasn't even been buried yet, was a cruel and abusive cretin and that probably ninety percent of what she claimed about me is a lie?

And if I speak up, what are the chances of her believing me? It's more likely she'll decide not to take me in after all.

"Yes, ma'am. That's not my intention. I want to go back to studying."

"You do?" She seems surprised and even smiles.

I feel embarrassed by the relief that washes over my body. "Yes. I promise I'll do my best, ma'am. I won't waste this opportunity you're giving me."

She watches my face closely, and I don't understand what that means, but maybe Mrs. Vina is completely different from her daughter. That thought solidifies when she surprises me, taking my hand across the table.

"I know Riny, may God have mercy on her soul, wasn't a good person, my dear. Why do you think we hardly ever saw each other?" When she realizes I'm not going to say anything, she continues, "Let's do this: I'll erase everything she told me about you. We'll start from scratch. Just don't waste the opportunity life is giving you, Juliet."

"I won't do that, ma'am. You'll never have a reason to scold me."

"Alright, my dear." She smiles again, and two smiles in less than ten minutes seems promising. "Now, let's get ready for the funeral. I don't want to stay here in New Orleans any longer than necessary."

I stand up too, mirroring her movement. "I need to tell my neighbor about my move to New York and also resign from the casino."

"Neighbor? A boyfriend?" she asks, not sounding happy.

"No. Mr. Ernest is three times my age, I think. He's more like a kind of guardian. I'll be back in ten minutes."

She looks me up and down. "As soon as we get to New York, we'll do some shopping for you."

"I appreciate it. As soon as I start working, I'll pay you back."

She waves her hand as if to say,"Don't bother."

God, I thought she was just a housekeeper, but she doesn't seem to care about money at all.

"You said you also need to stop by the casino?"

"Yes. I was going to quit anyway, but I have this week's wages to collect. I worked two shifts."

"Alright, one thing at a time. Go say goodbye to your friend, and then we'll go to the funeral. We'll stop by the casino afterward, and finally, we'll leave this Godforsaken city, no later than tonight."


"Are you sure about this? Do you really want to move in with them?" Mr. Ernest asks minutes later when I tell him about the move.

I told him about what happened in the casino boardroom and also in the hallway, but I didn't name my savior and didn't tell him that Hades brought me home afterward.

"I am. I don't have many options."

He nods. "Maybe I'll follow you."

"Would you really do that?" I ask, smiling.