I lean against the door, feeling more alone than ever, but I'm jolted out of my trance by a voice, or rather, a squeal of joy.
"I heard a car bringing you. Your boyfriend? You finally arrived! Oh my God, I was dying to meet you! I don't hang out with anyone our age except for school friends, and they don't really like me. Now you're coming to live with us in New York, and we'll be best friends forever!"
I swear to God she says this in about twenty-five seconds, and despite still being confused about everything that happened tonight, I can't help but smile. "Have you been drinking?"
She grimaces. "Is that any way to talk to your cousin for the first time?" Then she hugs me. "Don't worry, I forgive you. I've loved you since our phone conversation the day Aunt Riny died." She doesn't seem sad saying this, and I think it's because they didn't have a close relationship. Still, I feel bad because I, who lived with Aunt Riny almost my whole life, am not shaken by her death either.
How can you mourn someone who hated you?
After the initial shock, there was no feeling left.
"Are you hungry?" she asks. "Grandma made dinner."
This is so strange. Someone asking me anything about my well-being, caring. Besides Mr. Ernest, it just seems unbelievable.
I feign surprise. "Where is she?"
"She went to bed. She was exhausted from the trip, and tomorrow, after the funeral, she has a meeting with the lawyer Hades got for us."
"What did you say?"
"Grandma has a meeting with a lawyer to sort out the mortgage issue of the house, and then?—”
"No, about who got a lawyer for her."
"Oh yeah. Hades. We live in the house that used to belong to his grandfather. Or rather, the caretaker's house, but it's huge and very comfortable. It has four bedrooms. Aunt Riny never told you about it?"
"She didn't talk much about you guys. All I knew was that your grandmother was a maid for millionaires and—” I remember his reaction in the car when he asked for my full name, right after I hung up the phone with Pam.
"Yeah, that's right," she continues, apparently indifferent to the fact that I'm leaning on the entryway furniture because a sudden dizziness hits me, I'm sure from nervousness. "They're Greek. A family of bankers, Kostanidis, and their mother gave them names of gods: Zeus, the oldest; Ares, very grumpy; Dionysus, who seems the least dangerous of them, but I think only on the surface, because they're not people you should mess with . . .”
"And the last one?"
"Hades. He's my protector."
"Yes. He's been giving me everything since I was little. Even after his grandfather died, the man who was my grandmother's real boss, Hades continued letting her live there."
I have to get out of here.
The information piles up in my head, and I don't want to believe that less than an hour ago, I kissed the man who is Vina's employer.
"Where are you going?" she asks when I start walking to the hallway that leads to one of the bedrooms. "I thought you'd be hungry."
"No, I've already eaten," I lie.
She follows me to my tiny room, and when I get there, I see a small pink suitcase near my dresser.
"I hope you don't mind. I'd rather sleep with you. Grandma snores."
"If you're not uncomfortable, it's fine."
"You don't mind?"
I don't tell her that my aunt took my mattress and got rid of it when I was ten because she claimed I did something to annoy her, and for four years, until I was fourteen, I slept on the floor. It was only when I got my first job and had money to buy one for myself that I started using a bed again. Discomfort is a concept I'm used to.