When I finally take her mouth, the sensation is like boiling blood, like lava from an active volcano spreading beneath my flesh.
Our lips fit together perfectly, as if the woman's mouth had been designed for my pleasure, two puzzle pieces meant to be joined.
I don't know what I expected. Another kiss among the many I've given? The certainty that Kennedy is nothing special compared to other women I've had?
Whatever illusion I created by trying to label the lust she aroused in me as nothing new disappears the moment I receive her fiery response to my kiss.
And then, as my tongue explores the wet heat inside her full lips, my teeth nibble on them, and her body molds to mine, a thought crosses my mind.
Kennedy will be my downfall.
After her, any other woman who comes along will have her as a benchmark for comparison.
The car jerks when the driver suddenly brakes, causing her to stop the kiss.
She stares at me with her eyes still somewhat clouded with desire, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she seems to try to recover.
I see a storm, confusion in her gaze, as if she doesn't understand what just happened.
As for me, the wild passion that a simple kiss aroused in me makes me certain that I want much more.
"Come with me tonight," I repeat.
She doesn't get to answer me because the sound of her phone ringing interrupts us.
My lipsstill tingle from the intensity of his kiss, and if it weren't just a few weeks until my nineteenth birthday, I would think I was about to die of a heart attack from the way my heart is pounding in my chest.
"Do you need to answer that?"
No, I don't need to, because I suspect it's Pam. She's been sending me several messages throughout the day asking what time I'll be home, even though I told her it's better not to wait for me since I'll be back around eleven.
Since I left the casino long before my shift ended, there's no reason for me to respond, so I ignored all the other messages after the first one.
She seems a bit spoiled, used to getting everything with a snap of her fingers.
"Yes, I do," I lie because I'm still shaking from the way he kissed me.
I need to get a grip and think with my brain, not my body.
Without looking at him, I take my phone out of my bag, but I move away from him on the seat before doing so because the screen is cracked, and I don't want to shove my poverty in the face of this man who probably doesn't know what it's like to worry about money.
With every move I make, the Greek's eyes are on me. Hades is so intense that I feel like even without touching me, he's touching me everywhere.
My hand is trembling as I swipe my finger across the screen. "Hello?"
"Juliet, where are you?"
"I don't usually respond when I'm called Juliet, so be warned again that I prefer Kennedy," I reply, a little annoyed because it's the third time I've told her that, even when I replied to the first message.
"I like Juliet."