"Found her?"

"Figure of speech. Anyway, I can assure you she's a survivor. She grew up being beaten by that wretch Riny Marcotte, may the devil take her." I can see from his expression that he's angry but he's also telling the truth. "Your housekeeper's daughter was an abusive bitch, and Kennedy had the misfortune of falling into her hands. She supported the household from the age of fourteen, doing cleaning in private residences and then at the casino. I'm sorry for the loss of your ward. It's a pity that someone so young died like that, but I guarantee it wasn't at the hands of my girl."

"You can't assert that when she herself doesn't remember," I say, but I can't deny that the conviction with which he defends her shakes me.

"I can because I know Kennedy, and if you can't see her character, you don't deserve to be King's father, sir. In fact, I hope the mark you saw—and I'm sure Kennedy will hope so too—is just a mere coincidence, a mistake."



"How is this possible, Hades?"asks Odin.

"Do you think I'm lying and that I wouldn't acknowledge my own son if I knew that she was carrying my heir? If I thought there was even the slightest possibility?"

"Ares was the first to raise the hypothesis, according to what you told me."

"Yes. As soon as he found out Kennedy had a child, he came to confront me about it."

"Why would he think that? You hate the girl."

"Let's just say it wasn't always like this, Odin."

"So there's a real chance that you're the boy's father?"

"Yes, although I don't understand how. We never did much more than kiss."

"Did you ever take her to your house? Have dinner with her?"

"That never happened, but . . .”

"But what?"

"There was one occasion when Pam invited me to dinner. It was supposed to be the four of us: me, her, Kennedy, and Vina. When I arrived there, only Kennedy was there. There was a thunderstorm that day, and Pam couldn't make it back home. Vina, I found out later, was traveling, which means Pam lied. I only remembered this a few days ago. Pam had gifted me a bottle of whiskey, which she said she would leave in the library's bar. I poured myself a drink and waited."

"Were you alone with Juliet?"

"For a short time. Soon after, she left the house. I don't remember much. The next day, I woke up feeling hungover and . . . Damn!"

"What happened?"

"My pants were unbuttoned, and I wasn't wearing a shirt! Jesus! How is it possible that . . .”

"That a man can function even after being drugged? Is that what you're thinking? Because that's the most logical explanation if you claim you didn't sleep with Juliet, yet you're the father of her baby."


"There are powerful drugs available now. Like a kind of 'date rape drug,' but the person doesn't become completely unconscious. They remain 'functional,' if you know what I mean. The next day, they don't remember anything."

"No, despite hating her, I don't believe Kennedy would go that far. If she wanted to have my child, why would she hide it until now?"

"Besides, it wasn't her who invited you to dinner."

"Do you think Pam . . .”

"I won't say what I thought of your ward, Hades, because besides not making it a habit to speak ill of the dead, I know it's a sensitive subject for you."

"You never got involved in my quest for revenge."