"Sir, about the paperwork?"
Instantly, and for the first time, King wraps his little arms around my neck and lays his head on my shoulder.
"I'll do it," I say to the man.
"What are you doing here?"I ask upon waking up, still groggy, not quite understanding where I am but seeing Hades watching me. However, I quickly snap awake when I remember everything that happened. "King! Where is my son?"
The Greek stares at me for so long without speaking that I feel a chill inside as I remember the suspicion Ernest brought up which I had also noticed.
Has Hades noticed how he and King are identical?
"Shhh . . . calm down. He's fine. Sleeping," he says, pointing to the hospital room's couch.
I sit up to confirm he's telling the truth, and only manage to breathe normally again when I see my son sleeping peacefully.
"You didn't know you were allergic to bees?"
"I did, but I've never had such a violent reaction before."
"And if I hadn't been there? How would you have made it to the hospital in the state you were in and still brought King with you?"
"Don't you dare criticize me as a mother. You know nothing about me. What happened was an accident."
"It wasn't a criticism; it was a question. I didn't realize you were so sensitive." He says this almost gently, as if, just like me, he had momentarily forgotten who we are. But soon enough, his gaze hardens.
"I'm not sensitive about anything else. Only when it comes to my role as a mother. I only had a chance to be a mother for a month before falling into a coma, and now that I'm back, I want to do everything right."
As soon as I finish speaking, I remember that what I want and what this man wants for me are opposites.
I dream of being free and becoming the best mother in the world to my boy. Hades wants me trapped, forever if possible,.
"Did you call Ernest? If you haven't, can you please ask them to?"
"I did what you asked."
"Thank you. Did the doctors say if my reaction to the bee venom has passed?"
The monosyllabic answers are getting on my nerves, especially because, against my will, I feel my pulse quickening at the way he's looking at me.
"Again, I appreciate what you did for me. If you could stay until Ernest arrives?—”
"I'll stay," he says. "For King."
"I never had the illusion that it was for my sake, sir. And neither would I desire your presence if I weren't afraid they would take my son while I'm hospitalized."
If someone had told me that today I would be in a hospital room, watching Kennedy sleep, with her son's head in my lap, after spending the last few years hating her for making me hate her, I wouldn't believe it, but like an obsessed person, I watch every breath she takes to make sure the venom has been neutralized.
I tell myself that she needs to live to be punished for the crime she committed, but the moment an image of a dead Kennedy crosses my mind, a kind of crazy fervor takes over my blood. I know she hates me as much as I detest her, but that doesn't stop me from feeling desperate at the mere thought.
I force myself to look away from the sleeping figure and focus on the little head of brown hair in my lap. King fell asleep holding my finger, and I can't move my hand.