The first time I saw him in court, when he looked back, I couldn't hide my astonishment that there was what looked like a word carved, I think with a knife, into one of his cheeks.

Hades must have noticed that I was trying to read it because he whispered softly, "It says ‘rapist.’"

I didn't need to ask him to know he was the one who’d tattooed “rapist” on the face of the man who, in the past, boasted about his own beauty.

I almost felt sorry for him at the time, but now, when I focus on his face again, I feel nothing but disgust for what a horrible human being he is.

"Mrs. Kennedy Juliet O’Neal Kostanidis, when you are ready, you can begin," the judge says.

"Thank you, Your Excellency."

I clear my throat and take a deep breath. Then I look at my husband one more time before starting to read the letter that I prepared carefully because I didn't want to forget anything.

"Ryan Corey III, this is the last time I will address you in my life. I thought a lot about what to say today; I thought about letting out my resentment and anger. But instead, I decided to remind you of what you’ve lost. I looked into your history. Rich boy, always problematic. Bad grades at school, arrests for drug possession, for drunk driving. For slapping a girlfriend. I could go on, but I'm sure that, by now, you remember every sin you've ever committed."

He looks at the table in front of him, as if I were nothing, but I am unfazed. So I continue:

"My life wasn’t full of opportunities like you had. My parents died in an accident when I was a child, so I grew up with a guardian. I was beaten without even having any idea why I was being beaten. I was only allowed cold showers and slept on the floor, going to bed hungry, but even then, I didn't break. When things got really bad, I drew sunsets and dreamed of being a famous artist. I'm not famous yet, but I'll get there."

I pause and look at Ernest. "God put an angel in my life. A man who was my father and friend. I survived, I stayed positive, and just when I thought I was getting a chance from fate, you and Pam took everything away from me. I remember the terror I felt in that beach house. I still have nightmares about you chasing me, calling my name, saying you were going to hurt me. I don't know how your madness turned against Pam, but I know you deserve to be here and I’m glad you were sentenced to spend the rest of your life behind bars. The tables have turned, Ryan. The girl who had nothing is now richer than your family's money could ever make you. I am a mother of two beautiful children." I pause to breathe and wipe away a tear. "I have a husband who loves me, an adoptive father who is my support, friends and family. You will only have, for the rest of your life, the memory of what could have been."

I hear someone sniffle, and when I look up, I see it's his mother. I feel sorry for her, but I feel sorrier for myself, the real victim here.

"You left me with emotional scars, but each one is now a testament to my strength. I wanted to be a better person and say I forgive you. Isn't that what everyone expects? Well, I'm not that person yet. I hope you cry every night like I did when I came out of the coma and couldn't hold my little son in my arms, knowing that I would never see sunlight again. The world will be a better place with you behind bars."

For the first time, he looks at me. "You think you know everything? Just you wait." He smiles.

"You can't hurt me anymore."

"Mr. Corey, do not address Mrs. Kostanidis again, or you will be removed from the courtroom."

"We'll see, Juliet." He ignores the judge, and confusion begins.

I look at Hades as I walk to the back of the room. I know he's going to go crazy over what I'm about to do, but I can't let this opportunity pass me by.

I walk straight to where Ryan's family is. His mother and older brother, Aell Corey.

"How dare you approach us?" she says when I stop in front of them.

I notice in my peripheral vision the exact moment in which Hades walks towards us.

"Kennedy, there's nothing to say to these people!" my husband says.

"He's right. Don't you think you've already left a big enough trail of destruction? My husband and son were condemned because of you!"

"It's not you I want to talk to but your firstborn."

I see Ryan's older brother look at me in surprise and then smile, while his mother walks away as if I have a contagious disease.

"I'm sorry about that," he says. "My mother used to be a gentle soul."

"Why are you smiling?" I ask.


"Your brother has just been convicted. Why are you smiling?"

"Kennedy!" Hades shouts, and I know I need to be quick.