"Ernest should walk me down the aisle."

"If you don't mind, I'd rather do that. I won't take the risk of you running away." He kisses me as he walks, and any attempt at protest I wanted to make is lost.

"I love you, Hades Kostanidis, and I will never let you escape."

"You don't need to worry about that, woman. You captured me at first glance. I'm yours, Kennedy."

I hear the laughter, clapping, and whistling of our guests as he continues walking with me in his arms to the makeshift altar and only stops when the justice of the peace, with a face red as a pepper, probably from never having attended such a crazy wedding, coughs and asks us if he can start.

Hades kisses me one more time and intertwines our hands during the ceremony.

Just as I'm about to say yes, King walks in front of us, hugging us both at the same time.

I bend down to kiss our son's head and then pull my Greek by the tie.

"Yes," I say right away. "It was always a yes for you."



"Daaaaance, again!"King screams in his mother's lap as Kennedy spins around with him in her arms.

My wife laughs, and it's the first time I remember seeing her completely happy.

"She forgave you," Ernest says next to me.

"Yes. How did you know?"

"Because hurt is a two-way poison. I've never seen Kennedy so happy. Don't waste this love, Hades. I'm old and sick, but I'll still keep an eye on my girl, even if it's from hell."

"Stop talking nonsense. You won't die. And as for your concern, don't waste your time. I'm a stubborn, proud, arrogant bastard. Find a flaw and, take my word for it, it might fit me, but I don't make the same mistake twice. Kennedy would have escaped me if what they plotted against us had worked. I won't go wrong with her again. She will never doubt how much she is valued and loved."

"I believe you. What about Ryan?"

I remember the message I got from Beau this morning, simply saying,“I have him.”

"We already found him."

"And you’re this calm?"

"I'm not in a hurry. Kennedy is free—there are no longer any charges against her. I'm going to enjoy our wedding day, my wedding night, and the month we spend in Greece. Only when I return will I pay him a visit."

"Avisit?I thought you would hand him straight over to the court."

“The only reason Ryan will stand trial, Ernest, is because Kennedy reassured me yesterday that she dreams of the day she faces him in court and tells him she beat him. She needs to look the bastard in the eye. Otherwise, he would simply disappear from the face of the Earth."


My heart beats fast as I prepare to go down the stairs of our house. Today, we are completely alone, and I asked Hades to wait for me downstairs.

Some people might think that because we make love every day, I wouldn't have any shame in doing what I want, but the truth is that Hades is a born dominator and almost always takes the initiative.

I spent days thinking about what to wear today. I went to stores with the girls, and the salesgirls showed me the most sensual lingerie.

I chose a red set, beautiful, sexy, but when I went to put it on a little while ago, I realized that it wasn't what I wanted.

The love I feel for Hades is immense, and the forgiveness I offered him earlier today is sincere, so I hope that when he sees how I'm giving myself to him completely, he understands that.