

Several days later

The day we arrived,Kennedy tried to negotiate and say she wanted her own room. Fulfilling the promise I made to her, I didn't force the situation, but I brought her to mine, where we fucked all night. In the morning, she no longer had the strength to return to her own suite. After we repeated the same ritual for three nights, she moved her clothes into my closet, and I considered that a small victory.

Our son is in the garden with Ernest, playing.

Kennedy has been sleeping in, as she did in New Orleans. Ernest told me that she is usually a light sleeper, but now it seems like she is catching up on all the time she spent tense and worried.

She’s also started drawing again, and I was surprised by how talented she is. I asked if she dreams of becoming a painter, but she told me no, she’s thinking of maybe trying digital art.

I noticed that several of her drawings depict sunsets. She told me they have always fascinated her, because she loves the nuances of that time of day.

There is a world about her that I still don't know, but I intend to learn every detail.

I have been working from home. I usually wake up early, so I go straight to King's room. She was surprised that I managed to have one prepared for him, with all the toys he had in the old house and many more so that he wouldn't miss anything. Even when we were in Louisiana, I arranged everything, and her astonishment made me certain that the woman really has no idea what I am capable of to win her love again, as well as her forgiveness.

Our boy is impatient in the morning and wakes up hungry, so I take a shower, get dressed, and head out to meet him. After taking him to the bathroom—he's no longer sleeping in a diaper—I dress him and we go downstairs for breakfast.

Usually by the time we’ve finished, Ernest has woken up and makes a point of staying with King.

I’ve asked my sisters-in-law to help us select nannies, as they are experienced in the field.

In a little while, the three of us will go to the registry office to register him, but our wedding, to my annoyance, will take a little longer to happen, because although Kennedy doesn't want a party, my sisters-in-law have convinced her that she at least needs an exclusive dress.

I open the door to our bedroom, where I left her sleeping, and I know she won't be as scared to see me as she was in New Orleans, but I'm not prepared for a naked Kennedy, the towel with which she’s just dried her stunning body still in her hands as she stands at the entrance to the closet.

I'm already in a suit and tie, dressed to go out because today is an important day for us, the day I will recognize my son in front of the world, as we have a press conference scheduled, organized by Dionysus, to announce the existence of King, as well as my engagement to Kennedy.

The ring I bought her is inside my suit pocket. My intention was to wake her up, if she wasn't already awake, but in a split second, all those plans go to hell.

She follows my movements, motionless, as I take off my suit blazer and throw it on the floor, then loosen my tie.

She takes a step back, then stops.

"Run if you want to get dressed, or I'll fuck you against this wall."

She bites her lower lip. As if wanting to provoke me, she looks over her shoulder at the bathroom behind her, as if considering the option, but doesn't run away. She looks at me again, and I can tell from her expression what she wants.

"We're going to be late," she says.

"We won't because I'm not going to fuck you softly. It will be hard and fast." I place her facing the wall. "Keep your hands flat," I command.

In less than thirty seconds, I have my dick between her ass cheeks. I hold both of her hands against the wall, together, to stop her from moving. With the other, I touch her pussy and let my cock slide between her thighs, my finger caressing her clit and the head of my shaft at her entrance in a delicious back and forth.

When Kennedy pushes back and turns her face, wanting my mouth, I grab her jaw and shove cock and tongue into her at once.

I open her with my rigid thickness, making her moan with the intrusion and I fuck her hard, sometimes squeezing her hips, using the grip to get in harder, sometimes slapping her pert ass.

She is the first to come and stands on her toes when she does. I follow her, enjoying her heat until the last second before I part her ass cheeks and spill myself into her untouched entrance.

I take some of my semen and insert it into her virgin ass. I kiss her mouth and whisper, "Soon, I'm going to come inside you."

Kennedy gasps, turns to me, and bites my mouth. "You are insatiable, Hades."

"I'm hungry for you, woman. Don't you understand that yet?" I kiss her, and only then do I remember the ring. "I did everything wrong."